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I quickly looked around the cold, wet, moldy smelling basement. I was the only one right now, alone. Brad had been gone for... five minutes now? If I listened hard I could hear him, moving about upstairs, he was all the way across the house, farthest from me and the front door, the easiest way out. I KNOW I can do it this time, not really, my dragon whispered in the back of my head, I snapped at her for being negative and started to pull and twist my wrists, breaking the scabs and blisters. I shivered at the warm, wet blood running down my arms and started to pull harder, wincing when the wounds tore more, but because of the blood I was able to slip my hand through the shackle. I gasped at the pain and shock that it actually worked, I shook my arm out to wake it up and started to do the same with my other arm, pretty soon it slipped free also, I looked down at my ankles and half shifted. This made me grow a sort of tail, some feathers, clawed feet and some pretty dang powerful jaws. I bent down and tore the chains attatched to the manacles around my ankles. For a second I just... stood there, almost afraid to move but when I did, I actually moved forward instead of being held back by the chains, I gasped and grinned "i'm free...." I whispered to myself, not yet, my dragon, Sabrina, I usually call her, she's just so negative, its very irritating. I shook my head and listened for Brad, I could hear quiet thumps, which meant he was outside walking in the grass, on the OTHER side of the house! My chance! you're not fast enough... Sabrina mumbled, I shoved her down under a 'blanket' and headed upstairs, trying not to rattle the remaining chains too much, almost there, i'm almost there, almost out and free! I thought. My heart kept pounding faster and faster until I got to the door, very slowly I opened the door, so I could close it if someone had hidden on either side of it. 

There was no one there.

I grinned to myself and started running, but it probably wasn't really RUNNING, but it was as much as I could manage with two broken ribs, three fractured ribs and a couple healing, not to mention all the bruises and cuts, but those were the least of my worries, the ribs made it hard to breathe, which made running much harder, but I could care less if it hurt, I want to be OUT of here, forever. I almost fell on my face when a gunshot made the ground explode where I was about to step, I started running faster, though it was extremely difficult.

"Don't think I was stupid enough to think you wouldn't try bitch!" Brad yelled from... somewhere behind me, I could care less where he was exactly, as long as he was behind me. 

I kept trying to run faster, starting to pull Sabrina out, GET OUT HERE AND HELP ME! IF I'M GOING TO GET OUT OF HERE YOU HAVE TO PUT SOME EFFOR INTO IT!!!!! she just huffed and puffed at me, but I could sense how she wanted to get out of here too, i'm not the only one who gets tortured around here, she shares my pain 90% of the time, and if I died, she would too, I changed forms and dropped to all fours, finishing the shift. I did cry because of the shackles, they didn't grow when I shifted, and they didn't break either, so they were extremely tight and really hurt, but I was not going to stop running, I fanned the feathers on the end of my tail and spread out my large rainbow, feathery wings and launched into the air, creating powerful strokes to throw myself farther and farther away. Another gunshot and brad hit me this time, my left wing in the bicep, Sabrina and I roared with pain, thats a powerful muscle, and is really needed to fly, so we'll be in pain for a long while. 

-time goes by-

Five more minutes, then we land...

I'd been telling us both that for the past... oh I dunno... half hour maybe? We must've gone eighty miles by now, or at least sixty, I couldn't feel my feet anymore, and was a little airsick, but the sickness was just from the blood loss. We have to land now, I need a break and so do you.  Sabrina told me firmly, I sighed inwardly, she was right, together we stilled out wings, holding them to catch the air and glide down, I groaned and started to lift up when I smelled another dragon's scent, a male, we couldn't land here! Males are dangerous, I knew that instinctively. So we attempted to keep flying, maybe pass into unmarked area, but apparently brad had still been following, probably in one of his hunting vehicles, like his jeep. I felt it before I heard it, he got a pretty good shot into my right thigh. I roared in pain, trying to keep flying but Sabrina did not have a high tollerance for pain, and retreated to the back of my mind, in the darkest corners where the pain had trouble reaching, and because she left me, so did my dragon shape, I was honestly too tired and in pain to scream, so I just fell. After a few seconds knowing I was about to crash into the bottom of a jagged waterfall, at least it will be quick, I thought, not even fighting, I just fell.  What I did not expect, was the male dragon, I gasped in pain and shock when I hit something warm and scaly, instead of rocks, but I wouldn't have felt that for long, I looked up and flinched when he roared from pain, I know it wasn't me but I do wonder what it was, I could tell it was the male just by the scent, it was all over the territory. 

I'm dead, bye. 

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