Chapter 3

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 I smiled still, he growled playfully and nudged my side, I blushed slightly, glad the scales didn't allow that to show, He took off fast, and I grinned, his scales shone beautifully in the light, You're giving in, Sabrina laughed, I ignored her and roared gleefully, I took off after him, beating my strong wings to catch up, I was incredibly small compared to him, and light, so I moved quickly through the air, I grinned, one day does a lot for a draunen, my scales shone beautifully now, as did my feathers. I reeled back when he cut me off and spun behind me, I felt a sharp, but not bad pain, but playful nip on my tail, then I saw Malachi fly away.

I growled, grinning, I flew after him, almost laughing because of how fast I caught up to him, I roared playfully and looped around him, almost doing so twice, simply because I could have, I whacked his side lightly with my tail before looping backwards and diving down. Exhilirating dives are amazing! I love the rush they give! 

I heard him roar and then when I looked up he was spiraling around me, then he swooped down underneath me, I grinned and flew up slightly, to level out with him, I turned upside down and nipped his shoulder, I loughed and pinned my right wing, causing me to roll to his right side, I rolled my eyes when he dipped slightly, so he was underneath me and he bumped me up slightly, growling playfully, his playful-ness is adorable. SABRINA STAHP

I growled back at him, oohhhhh you won't like this *snicker* Sabrina took over and nudged his cheek with our nose, then gave me back control, I blushed deep red and arched my back, fanning my tailfeathers so we went up in an almost vertical incline. Once I felt the warm currents of air I leveled out and let them carry me, the warm air felt nice under my wings, I looked up when I heard beating wings that were not my own and saw Malachi again, he looked down at me and grinned, so I grinned back. He growled playfully at me and I growled back, whoops *false innocence attempted* Sabrina, once again took over, but only for a second before I took back control, in that second though she had us nudge his belly, which for a dragon was.... a very intimate gesture... I blushed and shot into a dive, I angled my wings to spin like a corkscrew, which Sabrina hated, and spun back up into the sky, I laughed and flew through a patch of clouds.  I then noticed that Malachi was extremely high, and falling as a human, that is SO much fun! The total loss of control, falling through the air at incredible speeds! Helpless... he's not shifting back.... oh my god he's getting really close to the ground! Oh come on shift back already! I dove down and flew close to him, close enough that if he got too close to the ground I would have no trouble diving under him and catching him. 

20 miles...

15 miles...

10 miles...!

*sigh* thank god, he shifted back, any closer and.... nevermind, I shook my head and flew back up above the cloud barrier, I roared when Malachi nipped me again, blushing a little, I snorted and rolled my eyes in a playful way. I shook my head and flew higher, you idiot, Sabrina growled at me, she forced our wings to a still, we began to fall backwards, for a second the force of the wind made our wings to fold around our legs, Haha, you have no upper hand Sabrina, I shifted back and flipped so I was facing the ground, I laughed and grinned as my eyes watered I gasped when Malachi flew under me and leveled out, I prepared myself to drop on his back, considering my speed it did hurt a little, but hardly at all, I giggled and held onto his back, though I did wonder why he caught me. But my heart was racing, for more than one reason, his scent was stronger as a dragon, and I just free fell a couple hundred feet. 

I gasped when he pinned his wings against his body, beginning to dive down, I flattened myself on his back so I wouldn't fall off, but he didn't dive for more than thirty seconds, he leveled back out and growled playfully, making his body rumble and shake under me, I rolled my eyes and laughed at my own fear a second ago.  When he started flying higher I crawled up between his shoulderblades, less wind flows between your shoulderblades when flying, so i'd be less likely to fall off if anything happened, and it was a little more comfortable here. 

He looked back at me and for a minute I paused, he had a very mischevious look in his eye, I wondered why, for a second, then he shifted back and wrapped his arms around me, I cried out in slight fear and latched onto him, looking down for a second, before I looked up at him, I blushed, completely forgetting that we were falling at more than eighty miles per hour, thousands of feet in the air.

Malachi smirked, looking extremely smug, "So who's gonna save us?" He asked, then chuckled and half shifted, we were extremely close to the ground, I held onto him tighter and closed my eyes, but only a slight jolt, I opened my eyes cautiously, we were on the ground, I looked up at him, and he looked at me. "We gotta walk from here." he said, shifting back to full human. 

I nodded, he was looking off in the short distance, I could see the town... i'd been there once before, He let go of me and Sabrina whined in protest, he started walking and of course, I followed. 

I looked around at the scenery, walking is nothing compared to flying, not nearly as fun, I looked at Malachi, and he was looking at me, so I smiled. And he smiled that adorable smile right back at me, I ran a few steps, because my legs are so comparatively small *huff* and walked beside him, I saw out of my peripheral vision he rubbed his nose, then I realized, my nose was itching like crazy, and I was about to sneeze. 

I turned my face and sneezed into my elbow, shivering a little after, I noticed he stopped, and stopped also, looking back at him.

"Was that you? Or a kitten?" Malachi asked, with a soft absolutely adorable chuckle. To that of course, I blushed and rubbed my arm, wiping off the little bit of spit on it. 

"Was that seriously you? Because that was adorable." He said, making me blush a deeper red, "It was me..." I admitted. 

"This is so not gonna sound straight, but oh my god you have the cutest sneeze ever." He said, and I know i'm blushing bright red, I looked down a little bit, biting my lip.

After a pause, "Let's go get breakfast." he said, I felt his hand on my back and swallowed, my heart skipped a beat for a second and my stomach squirmed, I looked up at him, and he smirked a little.

I blushed a more, as if that were possible, and he chuckled that same adorable chuckle as earlier... i'm not even gonna try to filter how cute he is anymore, Sabrina just won't shut up. I looked up at him again, he smiled, and I smiled back. Smiling is pretty nice... I guess smiling more often wouldn't hurt anything....

Malachi looked towards the town "We are almost there. Lets go." 

I nodded, "Okay." I said, looking at the town also, after a few minutes of walking he stopped at a street light, "Where would you like to go for breakfast?" He asked me, and I paused.... um.... I.... don't have an answer to that... not a good one at least....

omg.... food.

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