Chapter 2

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Dan's POV
Everything froze as I realized what I did. I have romantic feelings for a married man. I felt terrible. This was all my fault.
"Oh my- I- I'm sorry!" I panicked, scrambling away from under him.
"It's not your fault, Dan..." Arin comforted me.
    "I'm the one who loves you," I pointed out.
    "But I put you in this position," Arin argued.
    "And I didn't fight back!" I raised my voice, but seeing Arin flinch at that action hurt me.
    "Dan..." He muttered my name sadly, which only pained me more.
"Th-this is all my fault, okay?" I didn't want Arin to blame himself.
"It's both of our faults," Arin compromised, and I knew he was right.
"You're right," I breathed, now stressed, thinking of what could happen to us now, what would happen to Arin.
"Don't worry," Arin saw my fears, "We'll be fine!" He smiled.
"You think so?" I ask, still worried. I just didn't want Arin to get in trouble.
"Yea, of course! I'll, um, I'll find a way to make us happy in the end!" He was nervous and afraid, too, he was determined to hide it, but I saw it.
"You don't worry, either," I supported him as he had supported me, "We can find a way to make this better!"
    "... Can we?" Arin doubted, and I was also a bit doubtful myself.
    "I- maybe," I admit.
"Have we always felt like this?" Arin abruptly changed the subject, but I knew why. I didn't want to think about what would happen, either.
"Mmh... Maybe," I blush, I didn't know, was I always joking with him 100 percent of the time when I said those kinds of things?
"Hehe, yeah, agreed," Arin smiled awkwardly, "Maybe we just never knew?"
"Yeah, who knows? All I know is that I love you, and that I want us to be happy. Together."
"Me too, but can we?" Arin went back to worrying.
"I know we can, we just gotta try!" I tried to lift his spirits for the time being.
"I- I think we can, too," Arin forced a grin.
    "Say what you really think," I wouldn't want to encourage lies.
    "I think it's impossible," he whispered, blinking back... Tears?
    "Arin, are you okay? D- don't cry, okay?" I wrap my arm around his shoulders, and I feel him tense, but then relax at my touch.
    "I-" he breathes deeply, trying to calm down, "Okay, I'm okay..." He sounded better.
    "Okay," I hugged him close to me, "We're gonna be okay."
    "Thanks, Dan," Arin smiled tiredly, now seemingly ready to sleep.
    "You gonna sleep?" I chuckled quietly.
    "Why not?" He made a good point.
    "Well, should I go, or...?" I didn't want things to get too weird.
    "No, stay! Uhm... I mean, you can stay if you want..." Arin blushed, embarrassed at what he'd said.
    "If you insist," I was happy to stay, being able to spend more time with Arin and all.
    "Thanks... Dan?" He called my name.
    "Yea?" I respond, giving him my full attention.
    "G'night, uhm... I love you," I felt like at that moment, I had all the world's happiness in me.
    "I love you, too," I mutter softly, starting to doze off.
    Arin laid us both down, tucking me in securely with the fluffy blanket we were wrapped in while recording. He held me close. I felt safe, and warm, and... Happy. Very happy. Happier than I had ever been before.
    Arin buried his face in my hair, and I could only imagine how adorable that must've looked. I feel him start to play with my hair absentmindedly as I lay there, still thinking, but also unwinding for the night.
    I closed my eyes, Arin still fiddling with my messy hair. Does this mean we're officially a couple? No, Arin has Suzy, and we still haven't even sorted that much out. This couldn't end completely happily, could it? I just wanted everyone to be happy. Me, Arin, Suzy, the fans... How would they react? Hehe, not great. We have a bunch to think about and sort through in the morning.
    I rolled over; I wanted to snuggle with my snuggle man. In the process, I felt my hair get yanked, as Arin's hand was still in there. He pulled it out quickly, which hurt a bit, but it didn't matter much. I hug Arin as tightly as I could without hurting or suffocating him. Arin actually hugged me back. I nuzzle into his chest. He was nice and warm, and it was really cold outside. Arin put his head on top of my own, as if he was protecting me from a danger or threat. I felt nice and protected, safe, at home. I could stay here cuddled up to him forever.
My thoughts slowed, and eventually, I was asleep. I loved this, I loved Arin, and that will never change.

Arin's POV
Dan was sleeping, his breathing calm and even. I was tired, too, but I also needed to think about what just happened tonight! Dan loved me, and I felt the same, but what exactly would I do? I wanted more than anything for us to all be happy, though I didn't think that such a miracle could be possible. I didn't want to leave Suzy depressed and heartbroken, but I also wanted to be able to love Dan without risk. I wanted Dan to be happy. I wanted to be true to myself and decide who I actually loved, then do something about it. I knew I loved Dan, and that I had moved on from Suzy, but how would I tell her without breaking her heart? I still cared for her, yea, but not like before. Not like Dan. Dan's special. I eventually managed to fall asleep, though, with all these worries in my head.
I wake up in the morning, keeping my eyes closed tiredly, feeling Dan, and remembering what happened last night. What would we do? I felt defeated as I lay there, waiting for Dan to wake up.

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