Chapter 7

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Suzy's POV
"Holly," I whispered, trying to wake her up nicely, "It's morning."
    "Mph..." She sighed, stretching as she blinked awake, "G'morning..."
"I think I'm... Um, trapped here until the snow melts..." I hesitated to break the news to her.
    "Oh no," Holly groans, peering out the blocked off window.
"At least you're not by yourself," I try to see the bright side of things.
"Yea, but is Ross gonna be okay?" Holly was wide awake now, fearful of what could happen.
"He'll be fine! What could possibly happen to him?"
"What if he's cold? What if he doesn't have enough food?" Holly answered with a few questions.
"He's gonna be alright," I reassure her.
    "You're probably right, but I just can't help but worry."
    "I understand that," I think back to whenever I was separated from Arin, feeling a small pang of sadness as I did, but also being able to sympathize with Holly a bit better.
    "Uhm..." Holly thought of another conversation topic, "How about we just get some breakfast?"
    "Yea, let's go," I walk into the kitchen, followed by Holly. We made some waffles, and we happily chatted away, though we were both worried.
We kept talking into the afternoon, when we heard noises outside. I thought it was my imagination, though. There couldn't be anyone out there, right? Then, I heard a knock on the door, even though it was supposedly blocked off. Holly rushes to open it, worried about whoever was on the other side.

Ross's POV
"Ross?! What are you doing?!" Holly's voice was filled with shock at my presence.
"Freezing to death out here, shoveling away the snow," I sneezed; it was really cold out!
"How did you get here? The roads are all snowy!"
"Who needs roads when you can walk?" I smiled, hoping Holly wouldn't worry too much about me.
"Come in now!" Holly pushed me inside, where I was greeted with warmth.
"Hey, Suz!" I waved when I saw Suzy.
"Hi; isn't it a bit cold out?" She laughed.
"Yea," I sniffled, sitting myself down on the couch, exhausted from shoveling the seemingly endless amounts of snow.
"Ross, you sit right there. You're probably all sick now!" Holly ordered, to which I agreed to happily.

Arin's POV
    "I think we're gonna be here all day," Dan sighed, looking out the snowed-over window with slight worry.
    "Aww man, that sucks..." I walk over to Dan and stay by his side, looking at the window, as well.
    "Hey, there's a bunch we can do here!" Dan attempted to lighten the mood.
    "Heh, what do you have in mind?" I ask, not really knowing what to do, myself.
    "I don't know; maybe we could browse the interwebs?" Dan suggested.
"Why not?" I agreed, booting up the laptop. As it started, we found a comfortable seat, and we snuggled up next to each other.
"Anything specific in mind?" I asked Dan, curious of what he might be thinking.
"I don't know yet," he answered, resting his head on my shoulder.
"Okay, maybe I have something in mind, but you're gonna judge me harshly for it," Dan sighed, looking downwards.
"C'mon, it can't be so bad. Besides, I'm not that much of a jerk!" I smiled encouragingly to him, hoping for an answer.
"Okay," he grudgingly muttered, "I was thinking that maybe we could see if any of the fanfiction about us is any good?" Dan giggled, embarrassed about what he had just said.
"Yea," I agreed, laughing a bit.
"Stop laughing..." Dan hid his face in his hands.
"It's okay," I pull his hands away from his face, pushing the laptop aside, just in case, "It's fine, okay? Please don't be embarrassed, not even a little bit."
"Can I have my hands back?" Dan tried to pull his hands away from my grip, though it wasn't too hard to keep him in place.
"Nope, they're mine now."
"Why were you so embarrassed about what you wanted to do, anyways?" I didn't understand it.
"I just," he sighed, stalling for time, "I don't want to lose you, so you can't be too careful, right?" Dan was laying down at this point, his hands pinned down by his side.
"Dan..." I muttered his name sadly, "Please don't do that anymore. I would never leave. Okay? I just want you to tell the truth," I feel myself starting to tear up, thinking about something like that happening.
"Arin?! Please don't cry, it's my fault!" I see Dan start to cry, as well.
"Hah, we really are kinda stupid. You know, worrying about all this when we just started..." I release Dan's hands and fall on top of him, giving him a hug that we both needed.
"Maybe we should just snuggle," Dan sighed, wiping his tears away.
"Heheh, yea," I was still blinking tears away, but I positioned us both on the couch so we were facing each other.
    "Hey, hey," Dan tried to dry my tears with his hands, "Please don't cry."
    "I- alright," I knew it was easier to just agree.
    "That's more like it," Dan muttered, now a bit more relaxed, "I like to see happy Arin."
    "Hehe," I feel myself start to blush, "Stop flattering me so much!"
    "Oh, I'm just saying the truth!" Dan wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer, though still being gentle.
    "No way!" Dan laughed quietly, humming contently.
    "Fine, I'll allow it," I laugh along with him, enjoying every moment where he was happy.
    "You'll allow me to say nice things about you just because?"
    "Yea, I'll allow it," I smiled at the very true point he made, not giving a particularly strong counter.
    "Fine, then. You gotta say something nice about me, now!"
    "Why?" I wanted to hear this reasoning.
    "Because I'm always so nice to you!"
    "You know how people say actions are greater than words?"
    "Yea, why?" Dan was confused at why I would suddenly bring this up. I lean in and kiss him on the lips.

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