Chapter 6

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Dan's POV
After rushing back and forth a few times to get Arin's stuff, I finally got it all back at our place, and made it to the workplace.
"I still don't see why I had to get it!" I exclaimed, walking through the door and almost immediately spotting Arin.
"Dan!" Arin ran over, and whispered, "Now the others are gonna wonder what you're talking about."
"Sorry, I didn't know that anyone else was here!"
Everyone was looking over at us at this point, curious as to what we were talking about.
"Hey, what's going on?" Ross had asked, breaking the silence that took place, aside from our whispers.
"Well..." I hesitate, but continue at Arin's nod of approval, "Uhm, Arin and I are... Dating now..." I was so nervous telling everyone; Arin hugged me closer, noting my fear.
"Wait, where's Suzy in all of this?" My guilt rises as I remind myself that I basically ripped Arin away from her.
"She was very accepting of this," Arin smiles, answering the questions for me, seeing that I was still trembling and everything.
"I'm glad you two are happy!" Barry chimed in, "Besides, you guys are pretty cute."
I feel myself blush at this comment, leaning closer to Arin for support. He held me tightly, protecting me from anything that might happen.
"Aww, Dan, stop!" Arin smiled at my actions, "You're embarrassing me, too, y'know!" He laughed.
"Alright," I sighed, trying to move away, but was blocked by Arin's arm, which kept me safely near him, "I can't. Arin!" I giggled.
Everyone around us was giving comments about how happy they were for us, which warmed my heart, and melted the last bit of nervousness away. Arin and I did eventually have to get to work, but Barry suggested that we tell the fans in a little video before the video, explaining what was going on.

Suzy's POV
    I sigh, alone once again. I don't deserve this, do I? No, it's not your fault, I tell myself. It's nobody's fault. I don't blame anyone for what happened, but it saddened me nonetheless.
    I decided that I should get out and do something, maybe talk to somebody. I call Holly, not knowing who else to turn to. Ring, ring... she quickly answered.
    "Hey, Suzy; what's up?" Holly greeted me happily, a cheerful tone to her voice.
    "Not much," I lied, "I was thinking that maybe we could have a sleepover or something tonight?" I ask.
    "Yea, of course!" Holly enthusiastically agreed.
    "Yay! See you soon!"
    "Yep. Bye!"
    "Bye," and with that, I hung up.
    I arrived at the early evening, the sun starting to disappear below the horizon, sleeping bag, pajamas, and a pillow packed. I knock on the door, hoping for a quick answer; it certainly was cold outside, and the forecast called for even more snow!
    "Hi!" Holly whipped open the door to meet me, "We got the house to ourselves tonight!" She bounced, "Ross is just visiting a friend; he'll be back by morning! Also, he told me about what happened between you and Arin. Are you okay?"
    "Y-yea, I'm sure I'm fine!" I brushed it off quickly, trying not to think of Arin right now.
    "Are you sure? I'm sorry this had to happen to you, but if you ever need anyone to talk to, I'm here, okay?" She smiled supportively, rooting for me.
"Actually," I decided to confide in Holly, "It has been bothering me a bit."
"Of course it has! It's completely normal."
    "I know, but..." I sigh, "I can't help but feel bad. I feel sad, and even a bit jealous of Dan, even though he did nothing wrong!"
    "That's all natural! It's okay."
    "I should be happy for Arin, though..."
    "You don't have to be, just..." She paused, searching for the correct term, "Don't go crazy, alright?"
    "Of course not. ...Thanks for letting me get that off my chest," I did feel better after being able to tell someone.
    "As I said before, any time you need help, just tell me."
    "Hehe, yea."
    "Anyways," Holly became more cheerful, "Let's have some fun!"
    "Yay!" I cheered along.
    We had a nice dinner, making jokes all the time, along with a fun conversation about pets. We decided to put on a movie while talking, and doing whatever.
    I was having a great time, and had completely forgotten about how sad I was. Holly was just a great friend to have around in general. We decided to watch a scary movie at night, against my better judgement. With Holly by my side, we made it through the movie without being shaken the slightest bit.
    "Stop tripping!" Holly had given a giggle-filled shout at the movie; someone was tripping repeatedly while running away from a creepy monster, a classic horror movie cliche.
    "Do you think anyone would trip that much... Like, ever?" I asked.
    "Maybe if they were sleep walking, yea."
    We laugh at the hilarity of the movie; it was admittedly very badly made, following all the basic clichés and stereotypes. We laughed it off as a bad movie, but we somehow still had so much fun. At one point, we noticed the heavy snowfall.
    "Woah, it's snowing like crazy out there!" I exclaim, not expecting this much snow.
    "I hope we don't get snowed in," Holly worried, also observing the snow now.
    "I'm sure we'll be okay. Besides," I smile a bit, "You got me!"
    "Hahah, true, true." She grinned back, "It won't be so bad!"
    We go to sleep with minor worries of the snow. We doze off on the ground in our sleeping bags, side by side. I look up at the ceiling, thinking about today. It was an amazing day, I hung out with a friend, and even got over Arin somewhat. I managed to sleep soundly that night, thinking of only happy things.
    I woke up in the morning and look out the window to see how far the snow progressed. We were stuck inside by the snow.

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