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So I hope everyone likes it so far I just have one thing to shot out.

Im gonna try to be writing every wednesday.. Its just a random day to write I just cant write everyday, I might a little when Im bored or something. But just a heads up- you should check every wednesday, :3

I started to walk out the computer lab but she stopped me by saying.

'Why does it have to be like this.' Missy said.

'Um. Be like what?' 

'What happened to us.' 

'Um? what?' 

'You dont remember.. Do you?'

'Am I suppose to remember something?.'

'No, Nothing.' She looked scared. As if something was watching her. She took a long look at one of the computers. then looked around the room. And set her eyes back on me.

'What is it?.. Just tell me.' 

'No.. I-It's nothing..' Then she pushed through me knocking my shoulder and making me bounce back into the wall.

I stared at her while she walked away, Forgetting the fact that I was in school..

'Need some help?' The schools dean walked up to me.. I guess I had a weird expression on my face cause he looked concerned.

'No thank you. I just need to find mr.Sanchez.'

'Oh.. You didnt hear the announcement?.' 

'What announcement?'

'Mr.Sanchez took his students on the field trip they made a time change for it, Since all the students already had their permission slips filled out, And due to-'

He talked on and on. explaining everything I only heard bits and peices like

'Do you need a ride home?, What is your name, Hello?, Are you ok.'

'Oh no, Im fine. thank you.' 

I walked to my car. thank god I can actually drive. no one  would come for me.

I jammed the key in the ignition and started driving away. 

I didnt want to go home. 

I took the street down to trevors.

Please be home. Please be home. Please be home. Please be home. Please be home.

I drove in his driveway, Hopped out of the car and slammed the door shut.

I ran to the door and knocked loudly.

The door slowly creaked open revealing an old woman, with a bunch of wrinkles, And a metal-cane in her left, Boney arm.

'Yes?' She asked softly adjusting her glasses so she could see me.

'Um, Is trevor home.?' 

'Theres no trevor here sweety.' She said again softly..


'Sorry honey.' She said and slammed the door.

I checked the address of the house again..

This is trevors house..

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and texted trevor. '

As I pulled out my phone I saw a new text.

It read.

Hey sorry about early, I know I kinda creeped you out, Probably, But tomorrow at school, Meet me in the bathroom after first period I have something to tell you. ~Missy.


I closed the message and started a text to send to trevor...

Hey, Where are you??

I quickly got a reply it read

My house, Why?

I texted back..

Um, Im at your house, And this old woman answered and she said your not here..

Another reply, Except it wasnt from missy or trevor...

It was from,

My mother,

Sweety I hope you arent too mad at me still. But I need you home, now.

How......... Shes.....


Someones playing a serious prank,

And its really not funny.

I texted trevor again since I got no answer

Trevor please... Im really scared.. And im all alone.

I got a reply from trevor

Where are you.

I texted back

Supposely your house..

He replyed with something that shocked me

Get away from that house NOW.

What why?

Thats not my house

trevor please.... Im really scared.. 

i know. go home now and ill be there in 15 minutes.


I quickly ran to my car and got it and went straight to my house.

I waited and waited and waited.

I decided to text trevor and ask him where he was.

I sat on the couch covered in blankets

Where are you?

'im right here.' Trevor said as he burst through the door

I ran to him and tackled him in a hug and a couple tears slid down my face

I looked up at him and there was a big grin on his face


Just then big lights came on and a bunch of people came out of hidden places laughing and highfiving eachother with cameras and stereos.

The tears just kept coming.

I blocked out alll the noise.

I could hear nothing but my heart pounding. 

I was angry, scared.. terrified..

Trevor grabbed my arm. 'you ok??'

I broke my arm away from his hand and ran upstairs as quick as i could.

'It was just a joke!!!' Trevor yelled just as I turned the corner to my room.

Was it all a joke?

Even the missy thing..?

What about my mom..

No one knows about that.

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