Chapter 1. The beginning, The real.. Beginning.

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I walked down the hallway slowly, I was hoping to get another tardy. 

I needed to be sent to the deans today, Hopefully tomorrow too.

But definitly today.

I started to walk a little faster so a teacher wouldnt suspect me trying anything.

The were really strict about being late.

You were only allowed to be late twice. And the third time was detention.

The late bell rang.

And I headed into my 5th period class. ew, math. 

'Late again are we Ms. Rivers ?.' The preppiest girl in school walked up to me and questioned me.

I looked her up and down.

Her plaid sweater vest.

To her tight pulled back ponytail.

'Bitchy Still are we Mrs.Im-on-my-period-every-month- ?.' 

She scoffed and trampled away and sat down in her seat and slammed her little clipboard on her desk, Which I noticed she just carried around.

It didnt even have any paper's on it, Nothing.

Weird Much?

I then noticed the teacher giving me a glare.

'Detention tomorrow Ms. Rivers.' Mrs. Akron. (Pronounced. A-Kron.) said plainly and with that I took a seat and layed my head down and closed my eyes, They were droppy and I had a headache.

I didnt expect myself to fall asleep.

'Ms. Rivers... Ms. Rivers....................MS.RIVERS!!!!!.' I heard Mrs.Akron yell.

I shot up from my desk.

I wiped the drool from my mouth,


'Sorry I-' i started to say 'Sorry I didnt mean to fall asleep, But I just couldnt help it I couldnt sleep at night because of nightmares I've been getting lately..' But now im kind of thinking about it and Im gonna go with 'Sorry I didnt mean to fall asleep.' Seems easier right?

'Sorry I didnt mean to fall asleep.' I said

'Double detention.' Mrs.Akron said.


In that case im going back to sleep.

Fuck her.

SOOO... what do you think so far?

Half the fucking people who read this dont even bother to like it, Let alone comment !.

So please dont be a part of the shit heads. And do what's right, For all the little black children in haiti and africa. Thank you, Thank you very much.

xD. lmao. nooo jk :D. I just hope you liked it. 




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