Chapter Two

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After that day I was changed. I trusted no one, and I cared about no one. I just didn't want to get hurt again. I started to care about my appearance, and how I came off to people, and started to take care of myself. As soon as I graduated I left Australia, and moved La with my Dad. Soon after I became and model, actress, and singer. It all started on a show called glee where I played Rachel Berry. Then I started working on an album, and modeling. Life was finally getting bearable again. I still talk to Luke every now and then we haven't seen each other sense that day though.I smile looking at the beautiful view from outside my room. I got out of bed going and taking a picture of the sunrise from my balcony. I tweeted the picture with the caption "glad to be back in la with my dad". I just finished a tour with the show, and I was glad to be back in La. A few moments later I got a message from Luke.

"YOURE IN LA!!!" Luke messaged.

"You're, and Yeah, lol" I messaged back.

"IM IN LA TOO, WE NEED TO HANG OUT" He messaged back quickly.

"I don't know" I messaged.

"We haven't seen each other in forever, please I miss you" Luke messaged me.

"Luke, I don't want to ruin everything for you" I messaged.

"I promise you wont, Calum and Ashton want to see you too" He messaged.

"I can't, I'm sorry" I messaged him.

"I will see you some how Rachel ;)" He messaged.

I rolled my eyes then replied "Okay, try your best".

I giggled starting to get ready for the day. I got dressed in one of my already put together outfits, and got started on my makeup. I don't know if after all of this if its funny that I still feel ugly, and ashamed. I sigh getting up, and heading downstairs to see my dad sitting on the couch.

"Hey Princess" He said still looking at the TV. I loved my dad more than anything. He lives with me, because he is unable to work so I take care of him. Even though he hardly pays attention too me, He still cares more than my mother, that's what I've always loved about him.

"Hi Dad, I'm going to go get some coffee, I'll be back in a few" I said walking out the front door of my house. I run my hand through my hair, sighing. As I started walking down the street I heard a scream, causing me to slightly jump. A girl quickly ran and got in front of me.

"Oh my gosh, its really you, hi Im a super big fan, wow you're so pretty, I cant believe its actually you and that I found you, can please get a picture" The girl said quickly rambling. She pull out her phone and smiled.

"Absolutely" I said smiling. We took a quick selfie together.

"Thank you so much, so what are you up to today" She asked.

"Nothing much really, just going to Starbucks that's all really" I said laughing.

"Well I hope you have an amazing day, it was so great meeting you" She said smiling starting to walk off.

"Nice meeting you too" I said. I'm still not use to the whole fan thing, but its amazing, I truly love my fans. I kept walking till I reached the wonderful smelling store. I walked in and walked up to the counter smiling at the cashier, and I ordered an ice coffee, and a bagel. I went and took a seat at an empty table as I waited for my coffee. I got on my phone playing one of the many random games I had on it.

"Excuse me, but is this sit taken?" A voice asked from in front of me. I look up to see none other than Luke Hemmings himself.

"Did you stalk me?" I asked laughing slightly, looking around the room.

"Kinda sorta but not really" He said sitting down handing me my coffee. I smiled and gladly took it. I took a sip of my drink smiling.

"So how did you find me then?" I asked placing my coffee back down.

"Well, I had a few fans of yours help me find you" He said smiling.

"Ohh so that's why the girl asked me where I was going" I said slightly laughing.

"Well now that you found me what do you want?" I asked.

"Nothing, just to be friends and hangout, I haven't seen you in forever, Cal and Ash wanted to see you too" He said.

"Please don't tell me they stalked me down here too" I said laughing.

"No, it was Cal's, and Ash's day to record, me and Michael have the day off" He said laughing. I felt heart rate quicken at the mention of his name.

"Don't worry he's not here, what's your deal with him anyway, beside the fact you like him." Luke said taking a sip of his drink. I sighed thinking of what all happened.

"Kaitlin told Michael that I bullied her, and made fun of her, and that he had choose between Her or me, and He obviously choose her" I said playing with the straw in my cup.

"But that's not true at all, she was the one who bullied you, and you put up with it for him and then that happened." Luke said with a little anger in his tone.

"Calm down, I'm fine, it doesn't matter anyway, the past is past" I said taking a sip of my drink looking down at my hands holding the cup. We sat in silence for a few moments, neither one of us knowing what to say.

"Are they still together?" I asked my heart hurting slightly.

"No, She left him for some rich guy, cause Michael wouldn't spoil her" Luke said.

"Ohh, what a shame, when did that happen?" I asked.

"Umm, about three months after they started dating, and they started dating a month after her trying to get with Niall for over a year, so hes kinda still affected by it, he hasn't dated a girl sense" Luke said.

"Ahh" I said quietly. We sent for awhile longer sipping on our coffees.

"Hey, you wanna go see a movie with, I've wanted to go for awhile now but the boys don't want to go with me" Luke said looking up at me.

"Sure"I said shrugging.

"Well lets go" Luke said smiling standing up grabbing his coffee. I smile standing up grabbing my coffee walking with him out the door to a large group of fans. After about 30 minutes of meeting fans we were off to go see a movie.

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