Chapter 2. Rainy Days.

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The rest of the maths lesson went by quickly. Too quickly for Scott's liking. He just wanted to admire Mitch some more but when the bells went Mitch disappeared out the room with Mr Olusola. Scott tried to catch him but he was blocked by one of his bestfriends, Kirstie.

"Hey Scottie." Her chirpy attitude distracted Scott enough to let Mitch escape down the hall and out of sight.

"Hey..." He mumbled back to the short girl as he searched the flooding hallways for the brunette but he quickly gave up when Kirstie snapped his attention away.

"What's up?" Kirstie tiled her head to one side confused by her friends frantic manner.

"Huh. What?" Scott looked down at her not hearing a word she said.

"Whats up Scott?" She crossed her arms over her chest, concerned.

"Nothing." Scott sighed as he slung his bag over his shoulder, it was now the end of the day and Scott for the first time ever, didn't want to go home.

"Ok sure, anyway you still coming to mine later?" Kirstie skipped lightly as she and Scott walked towards their lockers.

"For what?" He asked bluntly keeping an eye out for Mitch.

"What do you mean what for? Don't tell me you forgot?" Scott cocked an eyebrow up as he tried to think but he was hauling a blank.

"Ofcourse I didn't!" He lied. He was always such a terrible lier, Kirstie always saw right though it.

"Scott!" Kirstie screeched slapping Scott's arm hard making the blond yell out.

"Ow! Ok yea I forgot! Sorry..." He grumbled while rubbing his sore arm.

"You promised you'd help me paint my room tonight, it's so bland." Her feet dragged as she spoke, Scott sighed not really wanting to do anything tonight.

"You are not bailing on me!" Scott looked at her wide eyed.

"How did you-"

"Scottie, I've known you since we were infants, I know you better then you know yourself." Kirstie flipped her hair as she smirked at the grinning boy.

Scott and Kirstie chatted a little about what colors she wanted her room to be so they could pick the paint up on the way to hers.

Scott looked around the almost empty hallway now but still no sign of Mitch or Mr Olusola. He scanning the area before getting dragged to his car by Kirstie who was eager too get going.

Scott shivered the moment he stepped outside, the cold air swirled around his bare arms and down his spine. He rubbed his arms with his icy hands trying to keep himself warm.

"Where's your jacket?" Kirstie asked when she noticed Scott blast the heater the moment they climbed inside the frozen car. The pair gasped as instead of hot air, they were hit with cold air since the engine hadn't had enough time to warm up.

"I lent it to a friend." Scott felt weird calling Mitch a friend since he's only known him just over an hour.

"Why didn't you get it back?" Kirstie smirked.

"I think he was attacked by Alex, he came in soaking wet, he was cold so I lent him my jacket." Scott smirked a little himself at the memory of Mitch wrapping the jacket around himself.

"Alex is such an asshole..." Kirstie mumbled to herself, Scott nodded in agreement as he buckled his seat belt and pulled out of the school car park.

"So what's his boys name?" Kirstie melted as Scott tried the heater again, this time actually blasting hot air.

"Mitch." Scott didn't look at her, he concentrated on the roads ahead.

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