Little bit of faith.

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Mitch hesitate before answering Scott's question, he seriously considered lying but he knew that would get him no where.

He's admired Scott from a far for all his life. Scott was always the popular kid with a million friends. Ok maybe not a million friends but when your a teenager, it seems like that many. Scott was always the kid everyone wanted to play with, and Scott only made time for one kid. Mitch.

Scott and Mitch were best friends in kindergarten, you wouldn't believe it now as Scott had no memory of Mitch, they were practically strangers. There was a good reason for Scott having no memories of his bestfriend, but we'll get too that later.

"It's a long story." Mitch rested his head on the wall as he sipped his tea. He tried to avoid eye contact with Scott but failed almost everytime.

"Well, I'm sure I can make time." Scott smiled at Mitch while he fanned his mouth a little, Mitch found this comforting. The blond was always such a goofball.

"Ok..." The younger man cleared his throat as he sat up straight, crossing his legs to show he was ready to tell the tail. Scott did the same, suddenly very interested in what he had to say.

"When we were 5 years old, we started kindergarten together, neither of us knew anyone, so your mom made us walk together everyday for a year-"

"Wait... We were friends for a whole year?!!" Scott interrupted, Mitch frowned a bit before continuing, ignoring Scott's question.

"Every day we walked together, our friendship grew stronger. I was the shy, weird kid no one wanted to play with, and you were the funny, adorable kid that everyone loved and wanted to be around. But despite the attention others craved from you, you always pushed them a side and played with me instead.

You were my knight in shining armour you could say, but something happened one day." Mitch took a deep breath, he looked at Scott who was staring at Mitch, eager for him to continue.

"One day, Jeremy Lewis was bullying me, he bullied me everyday since I started there and one day, I had enough. Jeremy pushed me down and I ended up cutting my knee, I cried and you ran over to help me. I was fed up and pissed off with how Jeremy treated us so I decided to fight back. I grabbed a building block and threw it at him." Scott chuckled, but once he saw Mitch's eyes sadden he stopped.

"I'm sorry, continue." Scott gestured to Mitch who now looked down at his lap.

"I threw the block and it didn't hit Jeremy...." Mitch sighed, a tear ran down his face. Scott was becoming worried, slowly piecing it together.

"It hit you. You were coming to help me and it hit you. It knocked you out and..." Mitch stopped as a sob got caught in his throat, he looked to Scott who's eyes widened.

"It knocked you out, you were taken to the hospital but we were told you would suffer short term memory loss. I didn't want to believe it at first but when I walked into your room to see you, you asked who I was." Mitch cried with his head hung.


"I was heart broken, so I lied. I said I was a kid in your class who saw you fall and hit your head. You didn't care that I was crying, you didn't even know my name. So I left, I got moved into a different kindergarten class and from that day on, I've been the weird shy kid in the back of all your classes and you've been the loveable blond kid everyone adores and never notices me because you don't remember us ever being friends." Mitch got up and ran to the bathroom leaving Scott sat on the bed with thoughts running through his head.

Without thinking twice Scott ran after Mitch, he knocked softly, his heart breaking as he heard the sobs coming from behind the locked door.

"Mitchie... It was an accident." Scott whispered, he heard Mitch shuffling from inside but the door remained locked.

"Do you trust me." Scott jumped a little at Mitch's tone. Scott barely knew Mitch but he felt like he was obligated to say yes.

"Whats going on-"

"DO YOU TRUST ME!" Mitch screamed out, the lights flickered making Scott worry.

"Yes! Yes Mitch I do." Suddenly the lights stopped flickering and the bathroom door clicked, opening slowly to reveal Mitch. Scott didn't know why he did it but he pulled Mitch in tight hugging him. He sighed when he felt Mitch relax.

"What's going on Mitch?" He didn't reply, he grabbed Scott's hand and led him back to the bed. Scott was confused but he allowed it too happen, curiosity getting the best of him.

Mitch sat down first, he crossed his legs, Scott just stared at Mitch waiting to be instructed. Mitch cocked an eyebrow up at Scott before he patted the space in front of him. Scott slowly crawled onto the bed, he coped Mitch, he crossed in long legs, facing Mitch.

"Take my hand." Mitch held his out, Scott looked at it before grabbing it. Scott gasped immediately.

He was having memories of a small boy pass through his mind, they seemed so familiar yet so dreamlike. He pulled his hand back quickly and the imagines stopped. Scott jumped from the bed staring at Mitch incredibly confused.

"Mitch... What was that?" He whispered, slightly freaked out. The brunette said nothing, but held out his hand once more.

"I need you to have a little faith." Mitch grinned, Scott stared at the younger boys hand, considering his options, he could dash out the door or chance his luck of jumping out the open window.

"Do you trust me?" Mitch asked, eyes filled with wonder and light. Scott looked into them for a moment, finally making up his mind. He grabbed Mitch's hand without a second thought.

"Yer, I do." Scott answered with a playful smirk, Mitch smiled wickedly, closing his eyes, preparing himself for the biggest adventure of his life.

Yay :)

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