Everything sounds nicer

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Everything sounds nicer when you sing

When you sing, when you sing, when you sing

As long as it sounds pretty you can sing

Evil things, violent things, nasty things

You can tell your grandma its time to put her in a home

Dump your boyfriend, say he's gonna die alone

That's a pretty song Mal

Oh, hey, James hey...  I'm dumping you...


I mean I'm dumping you

Oh! Okay!

As long as it sounds pretty they can't trace

That you just insulted them to their face

Take Jason here for example. If I just say to him,

I want to hurt you.


It comes of a little threatening. But if I sing it in a jazzy voice...

I want to kick you in the head!

Wow! Thank you!

Your welcome Jason, I'll see you in the parking lot after work

Everything sounds nicer to music

And it helps that Jason here's an idiot

It's true! I am!

Just imagine if doctors used this tactic when diagnosing their patients

Look, you have one week to live...

What? I am suing you.

Here Doc, let me try

Since your surgery you've been infected through and through

Because this stupid doctor left his iPod inside you

I've lived a good life. Sing it girl!

You can tell your friend she looks awful in those pants 

Admit you never, ever wash your hands

I hope you don't mind ruining that blazer

Security's coming and their bringing tasers

Because you are fired

Fired! Fired! 

You didn't do anything wrong

You're just fired

Fired! Fired!

You are fired

Fired! Fired!

Just cuz we don't like your face

You are fired

And you're not getting severance pay...

Do you think Mal actually needs glasses, and usually uses contacts, or was it just part of the sketch?

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