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"You look great girls. Thank you again for agreeing to go to the court hearing." My mother said gushing over the fact how quick we had agreed.

I glanced at Nicole who was biting her bottom lip nervously,her slim frame shaking. I turned to my mom with a small smile,and nodded.

"Your welcome mom. Can we go get Paisley,and meet back here?" I asked grabbing the small keys that sat on the counter.

My mom sighed before nodding,"I guess,but just be careful please!" She said calling after us as we hustled out the door.

My moms old car sat in the driveway,which I had just claimed after my sixteenth birthday.

"Finally,she lets us do something that doesn't involve her coming along." Nicole mumbled putting her seatbelt on.

"True,but you have to agree with her. She wants to keep us safe." I said putting my own seatbelt on and starting the car.

It rumbled to life and I pulled out of the driveway,and turned left towards Paisley's house.

"This is going to be a long day." Nicole groaned throwing her head back.

"I know,I know. I don't want to see them either,I just want to be there to see them get hand cuffs around their filthy hands." I replied switching the radio station.

"I'm just glad we're safe. School sucks,but hey,we're not stuck anymore." Nicole pointed out.

"Yeah,yeah. But we had to have casts on for - forever!" I said over dramatically.

"Would you have wanted to walk around with a leg that was just shot?" Nicole asked raising an eyebrow.

"That's true,but still! It was annoying!" I complained as I stopped before turning right.

Nicole remained silent,humming to the song on the radio. I stepped on the brakes outside of her house and turned the car off.

"Alright,let's get Paisley,and you can call my mom,telling her we'll be ready to follow her." I instructed before getting out of the car,smoothing my black dress down and climbing the stairs to her house. I knocked on the door,and took a step back.

The door opened revealing Paisley's mom.

"Oh,Summer! Are you ready for Paisley?" She asked after giving me a quick hug.

"Yes,we're going to be following my mom to the court. I'll wait here for her." I said with a smile.

"Alright,let me go get her. She should be ready by now." Her mother replied turning on her heel,and climbing the stairs into her home.

I waited patiently,when I heard Paisley calling my name. I turned around to see Paisley slamming out of the door and jumping into my arms.

"Summer!" She squealed after I set her down.

"Hey Paisley,how are you doing?" I asked waving goodbye to her mom.

"I've been great! Are we taking a ride in your car?" She asked her eyes going wide.

"Yep!" I said opening the car door for her. I waited for her to climb in,and shut the door. I reopened mine and got in putting my seat belt on.

I drove off turning on the radio,and turning it up. We had a singing session,relieving the stress that we all felt.

The ride ended to fast,and soon we were following my mom to the court room.

"Guys,whatever happens just know,we're safe now." I said when we had come to a stoplight.

I glanced in the mirror to see Paisley looking out the window.

"Is it the end of the game now?" She asked quietly glancing at me.

I hit the gas and choked back the tears.

"Yes,the game will be over soon." I said with a small smile before turning down the radio.

The conversation in the car died,leaving all of us in silence when I began humming a song.

"Can you turn it up?" Paisley asked softly taking a peek from the window.

"Sure." I said turning it up louder.

"These battle scars,don't look like they're fading,don't look like they're ever going away,these battle scars..."

I listened to the song,allowing myself to relax,letting out the tension.

"Never let a ruin,ruin me. But I feel like ruins ruin me. Arrow holes never close feeling stupid cause I know it ain't no you and me.."

I followed my mom into a parking lot,and pulled into a parking space. I glanced at the tall building before shutting off the car. Few windows were lined here and there and it was made entirely of bricks.

"Ready?" I asked unbuckling.

"Ready." They both mumbled.

"Alright,let's go." I said opening my door,and staring at the building. I wasn't as ready as I seemed I was.

Taking a seat in the front row,I glanced back at my mom and dad who nodded their heads. We were going to be ok.

Paisley was sitting quietly,and Nicole was biting her lip again.

I grabbed Paisley's hand and she grabbed Nicole's.

"We're going to be ok guys. Don't worry about it. They can't touch us in here." I whispered glancing at the judge who had just arrived. He sat down at the podium and began shuffling papers tiredly. I glanced around warily. They would be walking through those doors anytime now,but I shook it off.

The judge spoke a few words to the officer,and then motioned to the three of us. The officer nodded and walked over to us.

"The judge wants to talk to you girls." The beefy officer said swinging open the small doors to allow us in. We all got up and shuffled in slowly,and walked up to the tall podium.

"Girls,I just want to tell you thank you for coming. It takes a lot of courage for this,and I'm glad you girls are here." The judge began slowly.

"Your welcome. We just want to see justice brought to us." I said with a small nod.

"Don't worry, we have enough evidence to take them down." The judge said when a panicked police officer ran up to him.

The police officer began spewing out words when the judge yelled at him to spit it out.

"The man and woman - they - they..escaped!"

Hey guys!

Here's the first chapter of The Perfect Family! Did you like it?


Next chapter should be up as soon as possible! If you haven't checked out the first book I recommend you do,so you aren't lost.

Have a wonderful day,and I promise the next chapter will be up in like 2 days!



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