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I froze. My heart stopped,my blood ran cold, and I let out a strangled squeak. I looked like a deer frozen in the headlights and I held my breath. Maybe this was just a dream,or maybe I was just hallucinating.

"I said,where are you going?" Max's voice calmly asked again as the flashlight turned off,and the hallway went pitch black again.

I stepped back slowly and heard Nicole hiss as I stepped on her foot.

"Follow me. Grab Paisley's hand and hold onto mine." I barely breathed out and clutched Nicole's hand before taking a couple steps forward and inching across the wall.

The floor beneath us was silent as I slid my back and hand across the wall,my eyes adjusting slowly when the staircase came into view.

"We're not playing hide and seek right now,you know that right?"Max asked a smile probably on his face right now.

We were so close to the banister when Nicole's hand was yanked away from me,sending me tumbling one way and Paisley and Nicole the other.

"My dad told me what idiots you were. I didn't believe him at first." Max said, Paisley's voice breaking the night when she yelled at him,to put her down.

His footsteps receded up the stairs and Nicole got up from the floor and was about to follow.

"What are you doing?" I asked getting to my feet.

"I'm going up. With Paisley. She's only nine,we can't leave her." She said calmly before climbing the stairs. Max's and Nicole's voice could be heard upstairs when footsteps were back on the stairs.

I glanced towards it before taking off,down the main staircase and into the living room.

"Where is it?!" I whispered to myself before dashing towards the kitchen and throwing the door open. I looked around noticing a backdoor and turned the knob,letting out a strangled breath as it didn't open. It was locked.

"Summer? Where are you?" Max called out,his voice sounding close.

I dove beneath the table,the tablecloth blocking the view of me.

The kitchen door opened and Max's feet were visible as he walked around the kitchen opening doors and cabinets. His footsteps left out the door and I let out the breath I was holding, and shakily got to my knees and crawled from underneath when a heavy weight was on my back,and I was sprawled across the floor. The breath was knocked out from me,and I watched as purple spots danced on the floor and my vision.

"You know,I think there is a girl in there that I could someday love,but of course that girl needs to learn how to be happy." Max said as he dug his knee deeper into my back. I couldn't breathe and my back was on fire,my chest burning to take in a nice breath of air.

"That..girl doesn't exist.." I wheezed out trying to get up,but all I got was a deeper knee in my back. His laugh rang out and I cringed,trying to breathe. Black spots replaced the purple spots and my chest burned so bad it felt like the skin was tearing off.

"That's probably true. I would never love a piece of dirt like you." He cackled before his arms were lifting me up,my head rolling to the side as I brought in gasps of air until it didn't hurt anymore. My head rested on his chest,his heartbeat the only noise I could hear other than his breaths as he walked up the stairs.

I tried to get out of his arms,but he only held on tighter,and I remained still,breathing in air slowly.

"Summer,you need to realize something. You're not going to escape again. You belong here."

"I can walk. I'm not one anymore,I'm pretty sure I'm a big girl." I mumbled,trying to get out of his arms again.

"Well,good night then." He said softly,setting me down and walking away,walking into a room and closing the door behind him. Where did that soft side come from? I turned around and realized I was at the attic door and I walked in,closing the door behind me. I climbed the stairs and laid against the pillow,tears streaming down my face.

We were stuck again.


I woke up to the silent attic,my eyes taking awhile to adjust to the sudden brightness. I got up,realizing Paisley and Nicole were gone,and one look out the window I saw they were outside with Max,on three horses,riding in circles.

An anger burned through me that Nicole hadn't taken her chance. What was up with her anyway? I remained at the window for a few seconds before crossing the small place to the dresser I had claimed as my own and changed into jean shorts with a blue top. I ran the brush through my hair before putting it in a ponytail. I ran down the stairs throwing the door open,and sprinting to the other staircase,skipping the last three steps. I ran to the front door and opened it slowly,the heat washing in. I took a step outside,my stomach began growling but I shoved it away. I ran to where they were riding the horses and froze watching them silently. Max noticed me and rode his horse over to me and hopped off.

"Never thought of Mister Kidnapper a cowboy." I said,snorting while I earned a glare from him.

Instead of replying he lifted me up and placed me on the horse,me almost kicking him in the face.

His arms were wrapped around me a second later before he motioned to Paisley and Nicole and the horse took off. A scream sliced through the air as we went onto the dirt road,a small wooded area approaching.

"GET ME OFF NOW!" I screamed whirling around before he smiled at me.

"Your gonna have to jump off then. Wouldn't want you running now would we?" He asked before the horse picked up speed,leaving me scared to death. I wanted to get off so badly it hurt. I glanced towards the trees before Max leaned closer to my ear and whispered something that made me hold on for dear life.

"I wouldn't let go. Hold on tight Summer."


Hey guys!

Here's the next chapter and I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Thank you all so much for 990+ reads! This means the world so thank you all so much.

Sorry the updates have been slow, but I promise I'll try harder to update quicker, so don't worry!

REMINDER: This is the sequel to The Perfect Daughter, so if you're confused that is why! So if you want to, go check out the first book, you don't have to though!

Until next chapter, I hope you all have a wonderful day!


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