The Discovery

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//AN: Okay, so this (or, at least the first few chapters) was originally a roleplay between me and a friend, who unfortunately was reluctant to continue for personal reasons which I shall not disclose. However, she gave me permission to make this into my own story, and do what I wish with it, so I have gone through and edited parts and made it to be in first person POV/narrator POV. Anyway, we'll see what happens with that once I get to writing the rest myself. Enjoy!:)

[Jemm's POV]

I hear the faint sound of my alarm- the least annoying song I could find that was just about bearable for waking up to- progressively building up it's volume and invading my unconscious mind, dragging me unwillingly from the dark moonlight, reflecting onto the river that I was strolling by so peacefully and without worry. The sound-waves at their peak, now blaring into my ears carelessly as I peel my eyes open, suddenly surrounded by the mess of covers that had managed to tangle themselves around my limbs, instead of the tranquil flow of water. Torn completely into the conscious world once again, I slam my eyes shut and throw my arm out towards the imposter, knocking it onto 'snooze'. I sigh; whom was I kidding, I had no time to waste. I noted to myself that it would be afternoon now, considering I set my alarm for just past 12. I seemed to have a thing for not setting them for on the hour. I sat up before I had time to consider rolling over onto my other side and cuddling up further to the duvet. As much as I hated going outside, I had to do so. And today was not a day I could afford to miss my 'priorities'. I thought about what I would say when I got to the police station. Could I easily just deny it, like I had planned? There were so many factors I would have to remember if I was to pull a stunt like that. Pulling a face of disgust, I recalled how much he deserved it. I also recall how scarily calm I felt covered in blood as I destroyed the body and made my way home covered in his blood. Luckily nobody saw me. I threw my legs over the edge of the bed, snapping myself from my thoughts as I pondered across the room, mind blank at first, to get ready.


He sat very still, his body stiff. As if he were to be penalized for even twitching. Of course that wasn't the case, his eyes peeling open right as his sight stabbed through the small, unbearable gap between the edges of each playing card. He was impressed with himself, yet he knew one wrong move could end it all. He slowly began to rest the card against the rest of the house. His bottom lip clenched in his teeth. As he sat the last card down he let out a light breath, impressed, looking over it proudly in admiration. In that second, Mello came bursting in, the swing of the door blowing over the entire house instantaneously as the handle crashed into the wall. Near clenched his fist and looked up at him, annoyed. Yet, he didn't express much of it. Mello was holding a laptop, telling him that he 'had to see this'. There was a girl, on the Internet, who seemed to be obsessed with Near. There were pages and texts and pictures and videos; endless talk of only Near. Mello was also mentioned, but nowhere near as much. Near sighed defeated. "There are countless people that could do something like that, it's nothing special." He stated.

Mello, being Mello, was persistent in getting him to at least look at the pages. Near considered that maybe Mello would leave him be if he did, so he reluctantly agreed and took the laptop from him, looking over all the things he expected. Mello asked how he felt about these things but of course, Near had no interest in discussing. He shut the laptop just as quickly as he took it and handed it back to his rival. Mello was disappointed, but also didn't really care at the same time. Taking a giant bite from a chocolate bar, he scurried out of the room to find his next victim, Matt. Near heard the click of the door closing once again, immediately grabbing his own computer upon confirmation. He opened up a webpage and typed in the name he recalled; searching through her profile and gathering information. 'Investigating', obviously, as he read through paragraphs and made his way through photos and videos. He then found one of her, speaking. Hesitantly, he pressed play. She had a soft, pretty voice, her hair dark. Pretty, much combed the same way L's used to be. He was quite intrigued by her appearance.

"Hm... Jemm, huh?" he stated to himself approvingly.

//AN: let me know what you think down in the comments please guys, and advice, suggestions, criticism is much appreciated:) <3

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