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//AN: Hey guys... another chapter... there'll be one more today as they all seem to fit into seperate chapters so, part 2...

[Jemm's POV]

After an hour- probably two, and now dressed in skin-tight jeans and as always, an oversized, over-warm (over-everything really) hoodie, I flopped down onto the carpet to do up my boots. Throwing my hands onto the door handle upon completion, I drag myself to a standing position, half debating if there was a way out of this or not. Out of my house, yes. Ramming the keys into the lock and turning it sharply, then deciding that, unless someone with more authority than the actual police were to somehow redeem me from this situation, there was a 99.9% chance there was... well, no way out of this. Walking through the car park and out of the gate, I made my way to bus stop, shaking from the cold biting at my skin. At least, that's what I convinced myself was the cause of that symptom. I swallowed, stiffly, as the wind hit my face and fought against the direction I was walking toward. Then, reaching the bus stop, I was greeted by some odd faces- some familiar, some not- suddenly paranoid by the presence of other people. Focusing on the roofs of the houses across from me instead, I threw my hood up, considering whether this would really help that feeling; people were so judgmental these days. They probably would just assume I was a killer anyway, even if I was the most innocent looking being amongst the crowd. They'd find something, everyone always does, especially where I'm concerned. The bus pulled up, and pulled me from my thoughts. I paid and fought the force of the bus dragging me back as I made my way up the stairs, taking a seat at the back of the bus, as usual. Staring out the window, losing focus of reality, I allowed myself to zone out as I daydreamed about potential and unlikely ways out of this. I imagined somebody hijacking the bus, to being mugged, or stabbed at my destination walking there, to suddenly coming down with a life-threatening illness. Ha, I was delusional. On second thoughts, maybe the bus could just crash on the way down that steep gradient. The driver did seem pretty hazy, although that was probably just my wishful thinking. Smiling, hopelessly, I let it turn into more of a smirk as confidence perked up. I could do this; I was going to be fine. I could easily lie through my teeth. There was no evidence anyway. Put me away? Yeah, right. I tensed my hands involuntarily and sucked in my cheeks, biting, then intentionally relaxed, fully aware of how contradictory my actions and my thoughts were. Suddenly, time had flown away, much like my ability to think straight. I pressed the bell, hesitating before I stood.


Near stayed distracted for probably a full thirty minutes before realizing he'd gotten too much into the constant strand of videos. He closed the webpage tab, about to continue with his current investigation. He wanted her here, now. He didn't even know why. He just... had to. He looked down at his lap and realized his erection; he wasn't embarrassed really, mostly because no-one was around at the time and because these bodily functions were entirely inevitable and random. Or, so he told himself on this particular occasion. He marched into the main room and grabbed Mello by his shirt, just below his collar. Mello looked surprised and looked down at him wondering what this was in aid of. Dragging him through the doorway into the hall, he explained that he was going to kidnap the girl from the videotape. He invented a reason.

"Mello, she is a killer and I wanted to... experiment. I think it would prove beneficial in regards to the current investigation as there are some similarities between the two." He threw of his tongue with ease. He had this idea. Anyway, he moved along with his story and Mello just shrugged, eager to be given something to do. Mello was to retrieve her, Near, to stay here. Mello soon left and looked for the monitor address. Only to find the girl wasn't there. He found out that you had a court date today, which made sense. Standing outside of the building, being sure he was unrecognizable, he waited. Meanwhile, Near had built a 'study' room. Which was mainly a table with restraints. Nobody really knew how kinky he was sexually.

[Jemm's POV]

Stumbling down the stairs, my shoulder hitting the wall as the bus came to a halt, and quickly ignoring the sudden jolt, continued to rush myself off the bus before the driver, even more impatiently, gave up hope that there was a passenger even to get off his big hefty vehicle. Stalling for time, I walked a tad slower off the bus, knowing this was it; nothing was going to save me. Also, making a mental note that if I did get away with this, I needed to get a car soon as possible instead of riding the minimum-wage mobile. My feet hitting the ground from a slight height, I shove my hands in my pockets to retrieve a worn out piece of A4 paper, crumpled, now in my palm, as I unfolded it. Scanning it for directions, I could have sworn I felt acidic bile rising in my throat a few inches, burning my insides as I choked it back down, when I realized that the building I was headed was literally across this street. My eyes bulging as I took a deep breath in, I stepped out onto the road, and, as a last hope, wished that just maybe a car could collide with me. Something... anything...


Mello stared across the street; his eyes immediately found her. Which was surprising. He wasn't too elaborate but he knew it might be easy... He waited for the girl to cross the street, leaning up against the building. He planned to call her over, and slither out of sight. Mello stared at the top of the girl's head, locking his sight on her every move. As she wandered up to the doors, he called her over. Smirking. Calling her close to him, waiting until she was right in front of him, Mello leaning slightly over her shoulder as if he had a secret to tell. He waited until the last minute when she was close enough and had almost backed into him completely, before quickly placing a cloth over her nose and mouth, knocking Jemm out instantly.

[Jemm's POV]

Well, this was it. Glancing up at the gigantic metal doors as if they held the entrance to Hell, I pulled my foot up onto the last step. Upon failing to open the door by force, my eyes scanned patiently for a buzzer of some sort. Out of nowhere, I thought I heard someone call my name. Looking over my shoulder and glancing around, I discovered there was nobody there. I sighed; wishful thinking. Then, again! No, that was definitely my name. Spinning around fully, I started to make my way over to where the beckoning came from. It would at least buy some minutes if nothing else, I thought to myself, contemplating just how cautious it would be beneficial to be. After all, it sounded like a dude. Resting my hand against the brick pillar, I looked around slightly confused. "Hm... uh... hell...o?" I muttered. I wasn't greeted back with such same intent, however, my eyes widening at the sudden leather-coated hand now smothering my face. I didn't know whether to fear for my life or thank whoever runs this bastard world for 'saving' me from my hearing. Surprisingly, I didn't resist too much as I breathed in what I could only hazard wasn't a healthy combination of oxygen and whatever else air contained. The sharp stinging chemical travelling quickly up my nasal passages and clouding up my lungs. The world slowly became more blurry, and then... the world disappeared.

//AN: lemme know what you think so far guys...
 thank you so much for reading and make sure to favourite and comment, it would mean a lot to me... thank you!<3

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