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Sally Jackson's eyes were closed, her face peaceful, her breathing was even. She was asleep, exhaustion had one her over. Two babies also sound asleep, were laid down, Perseus Jackson and Hannah Jackson, they were identical, no doubt about it, you already could see the same facial structure.
A shadow crept across the room, walking over to the twins, he looked between the two. When he heard a gasp he looked over to his partner, her eyes were open and sparkling with sadness.

"Poseidon?" She whispered.

"You know I have to take one Sally, you choose or I choose for you." He replied in a sad voice.

"Why Poseidon?"

"Choose Sally." His voice demanding and full of power.

"Take the girl Poseidon, I can hide it from the boy, but not from the girl it will be too hard." Sally's voice was starting to crack with sadness, the twins were only two days.

"I'm sorry Sally." Poseidon replied, his own voice filled with sadness.

"Can I at least say goodbye to her?" She asked, in a small voice.


Poseidon put his arms around Hannah, taking all the wires off her, and cradling him in her arms. He slowly made his way across the room to Sally who opened her arms for Hannah. Stopping when he got to her bed and slowly placing her in her mother's arms. Sally's eyes filled with tears, and she kissed the babies forehead. Tears started to fall down her cheeks, some falling onto Hannah's head.

"G-Goodbye Hannah." Sally said in a choked up voice, looking up to Poseidon who reached down to pick up Hannah.

Once Hannah was securely in his arms Poseidon vapor traveled to the small house he had made up for this purpose. Poseidon had decided to look after Hannah until she was 2 months and then drop her off at an orphanage, for Poseidon this will be a bumpy ride.


A very tired looking Poseidon dropped the box with the baby in it on the front porch of The Manhattan Girl Orphanage, Hannah's eyes were open and sparkling in the moon light. The letter in his hand was crumbled and somewhat damp from his sweat. He didn't want to do this but it was the only way to keep her safe.

"Goodbye Hannah, my sweet girl." Poseidon said, kissing her forehead, slipping the letter into the blanket that Hannah was cuddled in. Tears slowly fell down his face, and if sensing her father's sadness she burst into a wail. Knowing someone would of heard that Poseidon quickly stood up. He escaped through the water vapor to around the corner, to watch behind the brick wall. Poseidon watched as the carer came out and cooed at the sight of the black haired baby crying.

"Ruby! Can you set up a bed for a baby." She shouted.

"Yeah will do Penny!" Another voice replied.

Poseidon smiled at the sight, his tears had stopped, and he was happy that his daughter was with friendly people. He vapor traveled to the Empire State Building, and walked slowly to the elevator. he entered the elevator. "What floor?"

Poseidon glared at him, the man made a startled gasp. "Sorry, my lord but you have been missing for months."

"Just hurry up with it." Poseidon said.

The man jumped at the anger in his voice and with a turn of a key they were heading up. When they reached the 600th floor Poseidon walked straight out, and once in the throne room, he turned to his godly size to surprise many of the other gods.

"Poseidon, you have returned. Where have you been for these many months?" Asked Athena.

"None of your concern Athena." Poseidon replied rudely, sitting onto his throne.

"You look so tired." Ares snickered.

"Oh Shut Up Ares." Mumbled Poseidon tiredly.

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