Chapter 1

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Hannah's POV (At age 5)

Running into his arms I giggled, excited to see Daddy after what seemed to be forever. Daddy picked me up setting me on his waist, being careful of his right arm. I snuggled my head into his shoulder, glad to smell his machine like scent. Kissing my forehead he took a step forward, he headed for the car, where Happy was waiting. Lifting my head, my eyes fell towards the sling that supported his arm, frowning I looked at my Daddy's tired expression, and messy hair. "Daddy, what happened to your arm?" I asked.

Looking at me he said "I hurt it, Hannah. But don't worry, it doesn't hurt."

"Ok." I said, snuggling back into his shoulder.

As we approached the car, I was taken by Happy and was set in the bright blue booster seat. Quickly doing up the buckles, Happy shut the door, opening the passenger car door for Daddy. Pepper then got in, sitting in the seat next to me. "Tony we should take you to the hospital." She said as she buckled in.

"No." Was Daddy's instant reply. "I just want to go snuggle up on the coach and watch a movie."

"Ton-y, you need a hospital." Pepper whined, clearly not feeling in the mood to argue.

"Happy, take us home." Daddy said, ignoring Pepper.

"Yes Sir." Happy said, turning the keys starting the car.

Pepper sighed, feeling beaten and leaned back into the chair, a look of annoyance on her face. Feeling the car move, I looked out the window seeing that we were leaving the airport. As we got on the road, I had already started to count the trees that we were passing- 10, 11, 12, 13, 14...  Getting bored I looked at seat in front of me, that sat Daddy. Seeing the top of his head, that was leaning against the seat, gave me many comforts, as I had many nightmares when he was gone; mostly about him dying. I had worried about him much when he was gone, as had Pepper who was running around the place mostly trying to keep Stark Industries intact. Feeling bored I hadn't noticed that I was tapping my fingers against the booster seat. "Hannah, can you please stop that." Pepper gently said.

"Sorry." I said in a small voice.

"It's ok Honey, I know you can't help it." She said referring to my ADHD.

Silence fell upon the car, the sound of the engine was the only sound that filled the car, making the atmosphere around us feel awkward. "So Hannah, what movie do you want to watch when we get home?" Daddy asked, breaking the silence.

"Finding Nemo!" I cried out, normally Daddy and I watched Finding Nemo together.

"Ok." Daddy said, sounding happy with the choice.

After many games of I spy and 20 questions, they had finally reached home. I unbuckled herself, as Happy came to my side. When Happy opened the car door, I ran to the house ready to watch Finding Nemo with Daddy. Finally, Daddy opened the door and I ran in to the Lounge Room, running to the movie cabinet, trying to find the movie.
After what seemed to be a while the movie was starting and Daddy, and I sat in the coach, Happy had left with Pepper after dropping us off, even though she was reluctant to leave. Snuggling into Daddy, we watched the movie together with his arm resting around me and my body leaning into his side. 30 minutes into the movie my eyelids had dropped and I was asleep, due to the excitement of today.

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