Chapter 2

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Hannah POV

"Hannah! Hurry up! It's your first day of your new school!" Pepper's voice said, from outside my door.

"Yeah! Yeah! I know, I will be out in a second!" I said, annoyance filling my voice.

Standing up from my desk, that I was doing my hair at. I took slow steps to the door, grabbing my small backpack and chucking it over my shoulder. Before opening the door, I got out my 'StarkSafePhone' as Dad calls it, and checked twitter. Sending out a quick tweet to my 1 million followers (Thanks to Dad) saying 'New School Today! YAY!.' Putting my phone back in my pocket, I opened the door to find Pepper standing there, impatiently taping her foot.

"Took you long enough." She said, impatience filling her voice.

"Yeah, sorry."

"Anyway, so Happy will drop you off and will be waiting for you at 3:30, so don't make him wait, ok? And tonight you will be..."

Zoning out of her 'talk' she does everyday, I wondered what my new school will be like. What happens if they don't like me? What if they hate Dad, so they hate me?...Oh My God! Happy is driving me, great first impression then. They will think I'm a spoiled rich girl! Which I'm no-WAIT! Am I a spoiled rich girl? What if I a-

"Hannah?! Hannah?!" Pepper's voice cut through my thoughts.

"Sorry, What?" Whoops, I completely zoned out. Stupid ADHD.

"Arrgggh." Pepper groaned. "What part of the conversation did you get to?"

"Happy will be at school at 3:30 to pick me up..." I said, fear filling my voice.

"Yep exactly, and don't forget that you and Tony will be going to SHEILD tonight, something about the Avengers." She replied.

"Got it!" I said. "See ya, later Pep."

Taking the lift down to the ground level, Dad and Happy were there, chatting in hushed tones. With out them knowing I moved to hide behind the Pot-Plant, trying to listen into the conversation. But, no luck came my way, they were talking really quietly. Sadly, I got up from behind the Pot-Plant and walked over to them. Finishing their conversation quickly as they saw me, they both turned, smiling to look at me.

"Hannah!" Dad said, happiness filling his voice. "Have fun at your new school!"

"Yep, sure I will." I said, as he hugged me, giving me a quick kiss on my forehead.

"Okay Hannah, let us head off." Said Happy, looking as smart as ever, with his Ray Beans on.

"Alright." I replied. Looking at Dad I said, "See ya later Dad."

"Bye Hannah." He said smiling at me, seriously why is he smiling? Today is not gonna be fun, there is no reason to smile. It's more school, which means less fun for me. Ugh, why life?

Snapping out of my mental discussion, I followed Happy to the expensive Rolls Royce. Happy opened the passenger side door for me, motioning for me to get in. Getting in, he shut the door and I put my seat belt on, waiting for Happy to get in. Once he was in, we were off, jiggling my leg, nerves sending waves through my body. It seemed that we were only driving 1 minute, 'cause we were already here. 

"Good Luck." Happy said, stopping the car.

Getting out of the car I replied, "Yep, 'cause I am totally going to need it."

Many stares were thrown my way as I got out of the car. I guess I am already being judged, I am so excited for this now. Walking up to the double doors, I swear everyone's eyes were on me. When I opened them more stares came my way. 

"Can everyone stop staring at me?!" I exclaimed, my voice running through the large hallway.

Everyone's eyes fell away, and I felt comfortable again. Looking to my left I saw a door and a large sign above it saying 'Reception.' Walking over to the reception I looked at everyone, who were not starting anymore, making the atmosphere less awkward and more 'Schoolish.' When I walked in, the lady who was typing away on her computer looked at me. 

"Are you Hannah Stark?" She asked.

"Yes, that's me." I replied, confidence filling my voice.

Walking over to the desk, I lent on it, contemplating how this day will go. That was until a stack of paper was put in front of me. Looking at them I knew that one was a timetable, the other was medical forms, and the others I have no clue.

"So Hannah, here is your timetable." The lady said, making me look at her. "The cycle happens every week and on Monday we have... Blah, Blah, Blah."

Instead of listening to her I just looked at her face and made it look like I was listening. Seriously, I could read it myself. Why read it to me, or describe it to me, but than again with my Dyslexia...
After filling in my Medical History, I went to my locker, and put books in, and putting books in my bag, and all that. I then headed for the class, will may take a while, knowing me, I will never know which way is which. I continued walking, and looked around my surroundings, guess I should of looked straight, 'cause next thing I know me and this guy are on the floor. 

"Oh! Sorry." We said at the same time.

Looking up at each other, green sea eyes clashing, wait what? I have never seen anyone with the same eyes as me. Studying him more, I realized we had the same hair color. Umm... Anyway... We helped each other clean our books and bags up. 

"My name's Hannah Stark." I said, once we had steadied ourselves.

"My name's Percy Jackson." He introduced.

"Well Percy, guess I will be seeing you around." I said.

"Yep, see you later." He said, as we walked in different directions.

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