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I gulped at the sight of it. One of the few things that would kill a vampire.
She held a sliver knife in her gloved hand.

When ever anything that was real sliver touched out skin it burned. It burned so badly that it would leave a mark for years. My partners just think its a really bad allergy. She was wearing gloves so she wouldn't get burnt.

I slowly stood up making sure that my hands stayed in her sight. So she wouldn't do anything.
" What are you doing here?" I asked.
" What do you want from me?" I asked another question.

She laughed while she held the sliver up. The sun reflected of its surface.
" It's always the same questions. Why? Who? What? When? How?". She smiled at me showing her pure white teeth.
" It's gets old real fast" she said taking a step towards me.

" Go away or I'll-".

" You'll do what?" she cut me off. " Yell for help? Plea for mercy?" she straightened her stance into a stronger one. " Or will you have the guts to fight me?" she asked looking superior.

" Or I will force you to leave" I told her calmly finishing my sentence.

Her eyes brows lifted while she smiled.
" Oh you will?" she turned the knife in her hand to use it as a stabbing object.
" If you can do that then what's stopping me from going downstairs to meet your family?" she asked her eyes narrowing.

I knew what that meant. She was going to kill them. But if they see someone in the house they can call the police.

" Honey! We are going out for a bit. To do some shopping. Hold down the fort while we are gone!" my mother yelled while I knew she left with the rest of the family.

I gulped. I was all alone with a evil bitch. That stronger than me. Im doomed.....

She filled with the weapon between her fingers.
" I see you are not talking. So I shall humor you. I will answer one of your questions" she took s step towards me. Her bare feet made so sound on the carpet.

"I am here for you" she said her voice dripping with venom. " Simply to visit you my little bunny" she said.

I widened my eyes.
Did she just call me bunny?

" I wanted to see if you had in braced your vampire self" she said with a smile spreading her arm like she was flying. She shook her head making her pink crystal dangling earrings swipe from side to side.
But her happy manor changed within a flash.
He face turned to one of disgust.
" But I see you are still drinking that disgusting stuff" she said screwing her face up. She ran a hand through her ginger to blonde hair.
" You have disappointed me" she told me.
She put on a fake sad face popping out her lower lip.
" I thought you would be more evil" she said softly stamping her foot like a child.

" Like you?" I asked trying to not make it obvious that I was looking for a weapon of my own.

She snapped her head towards me. Her sad face had faded. It turned to one of stone.
" No" she answered simply.
" I was hoping you would be more..." she but her lip looking for the right word.
" Colorful" she said eyeing me from top to bottom.

It was kind of weird being inspected by her. She wasn't exactly straight. I glanced down at what I was wearing. Totally black. There where hints of white and red on me. But that's because not everything comes in complete black these days.
" I like this color" I told her. I eyes my bed side dresser. It had a small knife on it. It was only a pocket knife. And it wasn't sliver. But it would at least distract her so I could run away.

" All vampires do. Mine is obviously pink. You have chosen a stereo type color. The classic vampire" she sighed. " We all know it. The demon that hates the light and retreats in cold dark places. Feeds of off blood. Likes the color black....blah.blah.blah." she said making her hand say that blah like a sock puppet.

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