Dead or alive

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~Violet's pov

Paige pulled her 'Brother' towards her. She ripped him off the door handle that she was holding.

I tried to get up off of Zeth's slender body. But my ribs prevented me from moving forward.

I gasped when Paige moved Chanllers head to the side. She held held top of his chest with her forearm. Across his collar bone. With he other she gripped his hair and yanked his head to the side.

I froze. Chanller had his fists clenched.

I got up to help him. I tried my best to ignore the mad pain in my side. I took a step forward to run to him but I was stopped mid way.

Strong hands grabbed me around my waist. They also grabbed my arms along with it. I herd a girly laugh from behind me. But the only other person here was...Zeth.

" Zeth?" I asked.

He laughed more manly in my ear.
" Do you really think that Paige would let her pet roam free?" he purred in my ear.

Zeth had always suck around me, even though I REALLY didn't want him to. This explains a lot.

I kicked my legs to get free. But he held me stronger. But humans can't be stronger then me right?

" Vampire" is the word that I whispered out of my mouth.

" You catch on quickly" he told me.

My eyes moved back to Chanller when he made a small yelling noise. Paige was slowly inserting her 'fangs' into his skin. I saw his whole body freeze and tremble.

I struggled as I saw his blood get drawn. I would be lying if I said I wanted it. I immediately cut off my breathing.

" Tempting isn't it?" Zeth asked mocking me.
" Well for you maybe. But I am full. But you haven't had humans blood in years, have you? How painful is the dryness in your throat?" He asked.

Yep now it was official he was a vampire. No human could talk like that, seriously.

I stopped when I saw him pale. He started to thrash less and less. Until his eyelids started to droop. Nearly close.

" STOP YOUR KILLING HIM!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

Paige let him go. She took her teeth out from him. She then dropped him to the floor. He fell limply to the floor.

She walked over to me.
" Happy?" she asked.

"BITCH!" I yelled at her.

Using Zeth as my support I lifted up both legs and kicked Paige right in her gut. This sent we flying through the door Chanller was trying to open.

I bursted out of Zeth's grasp. I took him by under the arm behind me. Then threw him over my shoulder. He flew across the room and hit Paige who was only just getting up.

I walked into the darkening classroom. I passed the desks that were used by the students daly. I'm my eyes glazed a murderous intent.

I couldn't near Chanller breathing. And his heart pulse was decreasing rapidly. He was dying. Nothing could save him now.

For that I would return the favor.

Paige and Zeth were only now getting up. I walked for to Paige. Before she could get up I grabbed her top collar. I yanked her up to my level. I looked her straight in the eyes.

Pleasure leaked from em when I saw a scared expression on her face. She knew what I was going to do. She wouldn't like it.

But I would.
I punched her in the face with my free arm.

Zeth grabbed my arm stopping me from hitting her again.

I looked back at me.
" No one will miss you" I stated.

Fear flashed across his face as he realized what I meant. If it was possible his face got paler. With one arm I lifted him up. Then with one swift move I threw him out the window. We were three stories up. He would surely die.

I herd the glass shatter.

Paige looked from the window back to me. She was now very scared. She was looking for mercy in my eyes. But I returned her searching with coldness.
She gasped when she saw this.

I smiled a little.
" I can't tell you to go to hell because that's we're you came from. But for now Get OUT!" I yelled as I threw her out the window.

" Nooo!" she yelled shortly. I herd her body hit the pavement. I didn't bother to look at the mess I had made.

" But I'll tell you what. Once I die an I rule hell. I might let you in, to feel the flames" I said quietly to myself. Even if she couldn't hear me.

" Ah" I herd a small soft noise.

I came back to reality to see Chanller bleeding out on the floor. He looked at me with pleading eyes. Slowly weakly his reached out his arm to me. His other was holding his neck. Blood poured out of the wound.

I gasped and ran then knee slid over to him. I stopped at his side.

"I'm sorry" I whispered to him.

All he could do was smile at me.
'no' he mouthed to me.

He weakly shook his head to me.

I took his hand in mine. He was growing weaker. He stated to release his hand from his neck.

He used the last bit off his strength to tighten his loose grasp on my hand.

I reacted with a similar gesture.

He smiled at me as his eyes began to close. Before they did he went limp. His breathing stopped as did his heart beat.

He was perfectly motionless. His green eyes were half closed. I used my free hand to close his eye lids.

His white hair had blood stains in it. I can't leave him here.

I carefully picked him up carrying him like a bride. I used my boosted speed to run to his place. I planned to tip off the cops about him being dead at his home. I would say that he wasn't answering his door.

Hopefully someone would claim his remains. And no one would dig deeper into his death.....

~Third person pov

Violet closed the door making sure it was locked. She left it a crack open to take one last look at her friend before she left. She saw him on his couch. His skin pale. There was no life left in him. She sighed. A single year left her right eyes as she closed the door.

Inside the clicking off the door echoed throughout the house. The tap made soft tapping noises as small drops left the tap and hit the sink.

Chanller laid there motionless. With his eyes closed.

He he was draped over the couch. The wound on his neck had a folded tea towel on it to keep the blood from getting everywhere. Courteously of Violet.

His white hair was stained white blood. But it a little bit. Most of his hair shone with whiteness. The necklace around his neck witch was a cross shimmered in the sun from the slightly open window.

His hand fell down the side of the couch because he could no longer keep it there.

The whole house was dead silent. The water continued to drip. Traffic noises came from outside. The trees rustling in the wind added to this.

One of his arms laid on his stomach. His legs straight. His other hand was hanging lifelessly towards the floor.

That was until it twitched...



This story is done. It will not continue. I will not update it anymore.

Thank you for reading!

Good bye

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