At The Shop

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***DayDay in media***

Heaven P.O.V

I walked in and saw Marrisa running the store it was a little busy so I put my bag down and started helping people

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I walked in and saw Marrisa running the store it was a little busy so I put my bag down and started helping people. we made three thousand dollars in almost three hours we were a high end fashion boutique we sold the best clothes shoes and jewelry. Just as the rush died down in walked my brothers and Justice they had food in there hand it smelled like Chinese. I laid back on the couch already tired.

"whatchu doing here Nay?" Shaun asked

"helping your girl run the shop what it look like?" I said getting smart kus I kno they ain't bring me nothing.

"you betta kill allat tude!"he said tryna scare somebody

"boy bye what yall get me?" I asked as they began digging in their food. Shawn and Mack started laughing I threw a pillow at them and closed my eyes about to take a nap. I felt something in my lap I looked down and saw a plate in my lap, it could have only come from one person cause my ass wipe ass brothers don't share shit. I smiled at his gesture and thanked him.

"no problem you fed me last night." he said causing my brothers to choke.

"tf!" Mack screamed we fell out laughing!

"Nah nigga nothing like that she just gave me a meal!" Justice said trying to die down the situation but I wasn't.

"Yesss Jusss you never said how you liked my cookies IG you had a face full!' I smirked as I playfully grabbed his arm.

"ahh hell naw!' my brothers stood up and yelled in union. I laughed so hard I cried they act like they twins.

"you gone learn to quit playing heaven!" they said sitting back down

"I rather not it's always fun getting under your skin!" I said before I decided to dig in to my food. We all made small talk for a few and before I knew it my eyes were getting heavy. I decided to stop fighting it and just closed my eyes, never mind the fact that were in a shop. Being that I was a light sleeper I heard almost everything and it was like I felt wen somebody was in my personal space. "yo kid be careful tryna pick her up she a light sleeper!" I heard one of my brothers say so I figured that Justice was about to pick me up. I guess I forgot to mention I heard one of my brothers ask him to take me to the office be. I kno you prob wondering why we gotta bed here, well for many reasons but the main one being this is were we shoot the girls we get to model our products. Anywayys I felt his strong arms swoop me un and for some odd ass reason I felt secure in his arms and it didn't hurt that he smelled good as hell. We made it to the office and he carefully laid me on the bed and began taking my shoes off, once he was done he pulled the covers back and tucked me in, before he walked out he ruffled up my hair "punk ass!" I mumbled before I was out like a light.


After I got Heaven settled in I decided to go hit the block before we have another meeting

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After I got Heaven settled in I decided to go hit the block before we have another meeting. I hopped in my ride and peeled off I looked at the clock saw it was almost time to go get DayDay (my little brother) he get out of school at 2:45 it's 2:30 so I put a rush on it and got there with 5 mins to spare. After getting him I went to go get Kris pulling up to the school I parked and then got day out the car we made our way into the building in search of Kris, she had already text me what room she was in so we made our way there, on our way this lil shorty stopped me

"Aww is that your son?" she asked showing all her teeth " Nah this my brother." I replied giving her the once over shawty was looking right!

"Aw well he's just as adorable as you are!" she said I could tell she was flirting so I played into it.

"Ma I'm way to grown for adorable." I said smirking at her!

"well how about you call me and I'll call you way more then adorable!" she said writing something down and sliding something in my pocket her number I assume and kissed my cheek.

"My turn!" Day said clapping his hands. I laughed and picked him up so he could get his kiss to shid my young'n need all his! she laughed then leaned in to kiss his cheek but he turned his face making her kiss his lips. Once she pulled back he hid his face in my shirt we shared a laugh then parted ways! "you can quit hiding lil nigga she gone!" I said shaking him a lil "good" he said sitting up flicking his tongue out and laughing. "nasty ass not a word to Kris deal!"

"ice cream?" he said putting a hand under his chin and furrowing his eyebrows

"deal guy!" I said shaking my head

"well otay deal!" he said getting excited and shook my hand I couldn't help but laugh. We had finally made it to Kris class I asked her teacher could I borrow her and she ain't mind. Once we made it outside her class room I wrapped my free arm around her shoulder and pulled her close.

"how was school shorty?" I asked trying to make small talk."

"Ion even wanna talk about it! but how was your day she asked I stopped walking and looked at her.

"what happened to your face who did this ?" I instantly got mad she had a big ass dark mark on her face it looked like someone hit her in the face with a wet belt!

"it's nothing I got it." she said staring into space shaking her head

"I'm only gonna ask you this once! I paused "WHAT HAPPENED!" I asked with a little more base hell I'm tryna protect my girl and ikno damn well kno chick hit her that hard hell why would she even be fighting?

"Heaven" she said only above a whisper. I instantly calmed down a little because the chewing out earlier was her fault and she gotta realize those are people I work with I can't be having issues with my money, but Heaven ain't have to hit her. "Nah ima handle it." I said stroking her cheek I could tell it hurt for me to touch it kus she jumped a little. We finally made our way to the car and sped off I got them a bite to eat and day some ice cream and went to this meeting I pulled around back like they said and approached the door, I went threw the whole security check and went to find a seat as the others started filling in.

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