3: Escape and Revolution

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Dedicated to blue___22 for being an amazing friend, writer, and the person who constantly nagged me to create a real story/used me as a experiment! [I'm never letting you live that down, not that it really bothered me too much. I met quite a few people because of you. :)]


3: Escape and Revolution

The sound of falling sand slipped through the air as Lucas called upon a pokemon. Stepping back, Nathan leapt up to catch a shrunken sphere that whistled through the air towards him. The pair of Starly shared a look, then leapt towards the dark haired boy in synchronized movements.

"Help him out!" Lucas's voice wavered, although it rang out clear in the crisp air. With a squeak a small blue pokemon rushed towards one of the Starly on tiny yellow feet, its flippers flapping angrily, but missing it when it could not jump the height distance between it and the airborne avian.

However it still directed the inky black and white bird towards itself, leaving Nathan with his original one opponent. He slid his finger across the button, releasing a splash of red light and another pokemon to aid the two teens. A small bipedal bounced happily as the light dispersed, its thinly covered arms waving above its head.

Chocolate brown eyes glanced at him briefly before it sped forward, tumbling on the ground and then launching itself into the air. Tan fingers wrapped around the bird's neck, causing a squawk of surprise as the small fowl began to descend in the hands of the chimp pokemon. Loose feathers fluttered to the ground as the inky wings fluttered frantically, desperate to return to the air. As the two pokemon became closer to the ground, the orange and tan Chimchar glowed with a low bright light, slamming itself into the ground with its opponent as a cushion.

A guttural cry escaped the Starly's small beak as it lay tragically across the ground, one wing spread at an awkward angle. Trembling, it called out desperately to its accomplice, whom answered with a weak cry as it flew from its own battle with Lucas. With a burst of speed, it clamped something from the ground with its black tipped beak and sharply turned back towards Nathan. Bright orange claws reached out for the more dangerously injured Starly, lifting it over the trees and out of sight in a unsteady flight.

"Nathan..." Lucas's voice was quiet, and he let himself fall to the ground. Trembling violently, he began to rock back and forth with his fingers interlocked behind his neck, his legs moving to settle in a cris-cross position.

Rushing towards him, the other boy knelt on his hands and knees, the two pokemon that had aided the duo moving closer to the pair of human figures. One deep blue eye and a golden eye paired with a bright yellow beak adorned the face that popped near Lucas's knee, causing him to flinch and cower.

"Take... Take them away!" he screeched, stopping his rocking to scoot as far back as possible. His hand met the edge of the lake, sliding into the depths of the water as the earth broke beneath his weight, but he retrieved it back as his body lay solidly on the ground. The pair of pokemon moved back, fright definite on their faces as they backed behind the ebony haired teenager.

"Lucas." Nathan spoke, his voice low and soothing. "Hold out your other hand to me, the one that isn't wet."

Lucas' arm lifted and as his eyes met the expanded capsule in his hand, disgust filled it and he dropped it immediately. Nathan reached for it, the second capsule cradled in his other hand. Turning around to face their saviors, he crouched to a lower height.

"Can you guys go back in? He'll be fine," he murmured quietly, the pokemons' gazes both meeting his. They nodded in unison, both bearing hurt in mismatched eyes. The Chimchar kept his gaze even with the Nathan's as the Piplup looked away, one eye shining gold and the other a chocolate brown and the tuft of fur atop its head shifting ever so sightly.

A heavy aura radiating off their bodies, they each pressed their foreheads to a pokeball, returning to their electronic home. Switching them between his hands, he placed them near a stone as he had no pockets in his black and white training pants. Him not being a trainer, the black pants had a couple of white stripes going down each the sides, and were for running and exercise.

"They're monsters Nathan... Monsters..." Lucas muttered, bringing him back to Nathan's attention. His rocking had slowed, but as he released his interlocked fingers the other boy could see he still trembled like a leaf.

"They're not monsters, those two even saved us." Disbelief dripped from his voice as he tried to get his friend to change his mind. "Lucas, what's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you! They're monsters, even the smallest, most innocent seeming ones. Did you see what happened to the Starly? They could easily do that to us, anytime. If there was a pokemon revolution, how could we fight back? Humanity would die at their fangs."

"They wouldn't do that, we've lived alongside pokemon for hundreds of years and never has a pokemon revolution happened." Nathan's eyebrows furrowed at the sudden adamancy of his childhood companion.

"So far." A pissed look placed itself across his face as he glared at Nathan for refuting him. "Humans are born neutral, as are pokemon. It is their choice of actions that make them good, or in other cases, evil."

"But..." Nathan trailed off. He had no response to correct Lucas and at the point of how upset the blond was now, nothing could put him into a good mood. "Whatever. Let's just get Rowan's stuff back to him."

Angrily, Lucas began to shove paperwork and writing utensils back into the briefcase. Papers were surely bent, and Nathan caught him flinch as the shorter boy stabbed himself with the end of a pencil. His scowl deepened and he stuck the tip against his lips as he reverted to his other hand. With a flick of his hand, he roughly slammed the top closed.

"Oh! Have you guys been watching his briefcase?" Whether it was her blushing or simply the result of running, a pretty pink adorned the face of Sophia, who had suddenly returned out of breath.

"Yeah, we were actually going to bring it over." Nathan grinned and picked up the briefcase, handing it to her.

"That wouldn't have been good." She cringed, her eyes shutting. "He doesn't know I forgot it here, and I'd be in so much trouble if he knew! I've really got to go; he thinks I'm at the Poke Mart getting a snack. Thanks so much." Relief had taken over her body as she relaxed, but she tensed up again as she tucked the case under her arm and began to run.

Nathan's gaze followed her figure until she disappeared around the corner, a small sigh escaping his lips when she was gone. 


Facts of the text:

-According to Buzzfeed research, love at first sight can occur in 1/5th a second and men are more susceptible to love.

-Some odd written details are done on purpose, but comment them in case they're actual mistakes!

Comment/vote/follow! Constructive criticism/predictions are welcome. :)

One more thing, do you think this story is too cliche/unoriginal already? Don't sugar coat it, I really want the honest feedback. I won't hate you.

1/11/16 unedited.  

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