2: Love at first sight and surprise attacks? (Lucas)

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Unedited. 1/07/16

Dedicated to GingerAndy for simply hitting the follow button when I was even worse of a writer than I am now! XD


2: Love at first sight and surprise attacks?

> > Lucas

A dazed grin adorned Nathan's face as he strolled over, his hands clasped together behind his neck. Throwing his arm around my neck, he ruffled my sandy blond hair in greeting.

"So, how was your talk with the Professor?" The area was deserted other than us, the only sounds being the rustling of leaves, the lapping of the water, and our voices.

"Well... I may have told him your plan," I chuckled awkwardly, pushing his arm off my shoulders.

"What? Lucas, you were supposed to be my wingman," he groaned, a hand running through the neon blue hair that resided on the front and top of his head. "Now he's going to have his eyes on me..."

"Well, how was meeting Sofia?" The same dazed grin appeared across his face as he let me change the subject. Moving away from the pathway that Sofia and Rowan had just disappeared though, we lay on the grass at the water's edge.

"It was great! She's just like how she is when we talked online, friendly, funny, and she's... beautiful." His arms raised, slicing through the air for emphasis. "We're going to meet up again as soon as she can get a day off from Rowan."

"Hm. That's great!" A small smile adorned my face for my friend, and I sat up. Arching my back, I straightened back up before deciding to look for a skipping stone. It would have to be about the size of my palm, and somewhat smooth with a weight that wasn't too heavy or too light.

"Do..." my childhood friend trailed off. "Do you think I might be going too fast? Is love at first sight even a thing? Pictures of her are nice, but meeting her in real life..." A sigh escaped his lips, and he pushed himself into a sitting position as well. He gazed across the water, being lovestruck making him both more serious and happy at the same time.

My fingers grazed the grass, gently pushing the blades to reveal earthy soil and scattered pebbles. With no results, I gave up my search for a stone; throwing one into the water could injure a Pokemon too, and I didn't have my own to protect Nathan and I if I agitated one by accident.

"Nah, I think you're good. She had the same silly grin that you had after talking to her anyways," I smirked, brushing my hands together to remove any residue from the ground.

"Did she really?" His ears blushed a scarlet color as his eyes scanned the area. "Hey look! There's a briefcase over there. Do you think it's Rowan's? He was standing there before," he rambled as his eyes found the worn leather case in the grass. It lay at an awkward angle, most likely having tipped over onto uneven earth.

Standing up, we made our way towards the case, crouching beside it when we arrived at our destination. Worn leather encased most of the valise, although in some areas it was worn enough to reveal the sturdy material beneath the outside layer. Smooth metal made up the handle, and although it had matching clips to the left and right of the handle, it was secured by a thinning piece of twine on two small hooks near the handle. One of the clips dangled dangerously off the case while the other did not seem to close correctly. Despite its poor appearance, it was clearly defined as the well known professor's briefcase by the small, intricate emblem displaying an hourglass on the corner of the rectangular object.

"Yeah, it's his. We should probably get it to him as soon as possible, so we should bring it home and borrow a Pokemon from one of our moms," I decided for the both of us, reaching my tanned arm for the handle.

With a series of squawks and a few loose feathers, a pair of small avians landed in the grass, one on each side of the case as if defending it. They charged at us, determined glares coming from their beady eyes. I flinched, letting out a grunt of pain as it smashed into my leg. Looking up at Nathan, I could see him staring in defiance back at the inky black and white bird in front of him. As it charged at him again, he stepped out of the way, agitating it further. Another blow, this time to my stomach, brought my gaze back to my opponent. Despite its childish curl atop its feathered head, it was still strong enough to leave blows that would surely become bruises.

"Lucas!" My head snapped back to Nathan, who had both dodged another attack and captured the interest of my opponent. "You get the briefcase!" He faked a kick at his Starly, narrowly missing its feathered head and brushing the curl ever so briefly. Knowing him, he could have made actual contact, but it seized the attention of my own attacking Starly. With a flutter of its wings, it rose in the air to dive at him.

I glanced at the briefcase, and then at my friend whom was being bombarded with attacks. "But..."

"We both know that you have the reflexes of a Magikarp! Get the case while I cover you!" This time the Starly's wing grazed his face, leaving a bright pink streak across his cheek.

I scrambled towards the case, fumbling for the handle. With it secured in my hand, I began to sprint towards Nathan only to feel a tug and a sudden lightness. The twine had given out, spilling several folders, multiple writing utensils, a couple of medicine jars, and three red and white capsules. Immediately, I looked up at Nathan to see him being hit in the shoulder and picked up a capsule in hopes of a small weight in it. There was, and I pressed the smooth button as my other hand reached for a second one, a warm red light materializing its contents in front of me.


As this is the first work I've actually been serious about, I'll probably be repeating myself every chapter because I really want feedback so I apologize in advance.

Vote/comment/follow! Constructive criticism is welcome, as well as predictions [somewhat early, but if you have any]!

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