Chapter 1

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It was a quiet morning here in Ripple Clan, all apprentices were sound asleep, warriors were out on patrol, queens were resting, medicine cat was up and preparing antidotes, just in case, it wasnt even sunrise yet... Drizzlestar awoke and padded out of his den, he went in to greet Leafheart, since they were very good friends they visited eachother every morning.
"Good morning Leafheart, how was your slumber?" He soothingly, but quietly asks.
"It was quite uncomfortable, I got a message from... Your son Spitpaw alerting me, their will be a massive storm.. It kept me up and I was so scared I didn-" Leafheart gets cut of by Drizzlestars soothing tone.
"Oh, Leafheart, Spitpaw cannot predict when its going to rain or storm, he only says that because he thinks my "special power" is cool, so he wants to predict to, hes still so young, don't worry." Drizzlestars soft tone calmed her down. The sun was starting to rise.
"Get some sleep Leafheart, I will make sure you get no bothers from anycat." He assured.
"Thank you Drizzlestar, that means a lot." She smiles, put away her ingredients, curled up onto her bed, just to fall into a deep, comfortable sleep.

As Drizzlestar walks out of the den he sees the patrol run into camp.
"And you are here so early.... Why?" Drizzlestar questions, the shaking bunch of warriors.

Furrytail, Redpelt, Dustyface and Sunclaw all look at eachother worried.

"We think there may be Volcano cats roaming around our territory near the pond of wishes..." Sunclaw spoke quickly, as she licked her paw and began to sit down.

"Well don't just sit down! Go look around more, and make sure you have proof it is Volcano cats, I do not want to start fights with other clans without having proof." Drizzlestar demands, he points out of the camp with his tail to motion them to go back.

As time goes by the clan cats start to awake, the queens go to get fresh kill from the, satisfied large amount of fresh kill pile, apprentices are already out with their mentors, Elders are still sleeping and everything is perfect. Or so they thought..

"What about me?" Bluetail asks, assuming he forgot her.
Oh right, he remembered, and Bluetail was awake, and perfectly fine?
He even questioned himself.

Bluetail pads upto Drizzlestar noticing hes, calmer than usual.
"What has you so calm? Your calmer than Skywing! And that She-cat is ALWAYS calm." She exaggerates when she says always.
"I dont really know actually, I just had a good sleep, all the clan is doing well, the weather is beautiful, Spitpaw told Leafheart that a storm is coming, patrol caught a scent of another clan, everything is per-" Drizzlestar gets cut off by Bluetail.
"Wait, WHAT?! Theres a storm coming and theres scents of other clans in territory!!? You should not be clam Drizzlestar, things need to be fixed, we cant have issues in the clan." She explains angrily.

Bluetail sprints off to warn the rest of the clan.
"*Sigh* Wait.... Why am I so calm..." Drizzlestar thinks to his self.
He races after Bluetail and gets to her before she tells the clan the news.

"Wait!!" Drizzlestar yells.
"Wait for me!!" He yells, he climbs up onto the clans highrock and begins to explain.

"Cats of Ripple Clan!! My patrol friends have seemed to be noticing some... Strange scents in our territory, they think it could be Volcano cats, but we need some proof, our fellow medicine cat Leafheart got a message last night from my son." Drizzlestar awared the clan. It went completely silent and Leafheart spoke aloud.

"Actually...I did not tell you everything Drizzlestar..." She mumbled,
"I got an Omen as well..."

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