Chapter 3

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Drizzlestar, wearily, pads out of his den, not even thinking, he walks over to the pile of fresh kill. Only to find, nothing. He gets a bit flustered at the thought of his own clan, to be to mouse-brained to catch some fresh kill.. And confsued as he is, he notices, the patrols and hunters, padding into the camp, carrying NOTHING, inside their mouths. Again Drizzlestar gets angered.
"Excuse me!? But patrols and hunters are NOT supposed to come back to clan empty handed! Are you mouse-brained!?" Drizzlestar spits at them, with such irritation in his voice.

"My dear leader Drizzlestar....I am afraid to say this but... There is no prey." The lithe, grey, fuzzy warrior Blacknose, explains.
While Redpelt, a maroon pelted, lithe, warrior, nods her head yes.

"Nonsense, that is complete and utter Nonsense! I shall, send a better group of warriors, since you cannot seem to understand the proper way to hunt!" Drizzlestar grunts as he pads off to the warrior den, only to find, Dustyface, Furrytail, Rubberpelt and Sunclaw.
"Ahem!" Drizzlestar angrily coughs. His nostrils flaring. And his tail lashing from side to side.
"I need you all to go out and bring back some fresh kill. We are empty, as of our fresh kill pile. My former hunters, and your former denmates, are too mouse-brained to catch some. They claim there is no fresh kill in the forest. Which is nonsense. Now go!" Drizzlestar grunts, narrowing his eyes, mostly towards Sunclaw, since she is the best hunter there is.
All cats, scramble to they're paws and sprint out of the den.
Drizzlestar places himself, onto the dirt ground. He flicks his gaze toward the entrance of the den, only to spot, the queens and medicine cat franticly sprinting around, while shrieking in agony and fear.
Drizzlestar hops up and races out of the den. He pulls a former apprentice aside to ask him what in Starclans sake is going on.
"Oceanpaw! What in the name of Starclan is going on here!!"
"I went into the elders den, to give them fresh bedding, when I see that Fuzzclaw is laying motionless and Moontail is missing!!" Oceanpaw explains, while shuttering, hopping up and down, longing to hurry up to help.

"There is not much we can do as of now.." Leafheart booms, padding towards Drizzlestar and Oceanpaw. Drizzlestar signals Oceanpaw towars the apprentice den. "Oceanpaw, go grab 3 other apprentices and go look for Moontail. And while your at it, atleast try and bring back some fresh kill! Remember to grab Greyheart aswell!!" Drizzlestar commands, as he points his tail toward the apprentice den.
Oceanpaw, nods his head in agreement and races off towards the den.

"Drizzlestar..." Leafheart, the spotted, fluffy she-cat, slowly begins to mew.
"Leafheart," Drizzlestar interrupts Leafheart. "I will fix this. We will find Moontail, and we will save Fuzzclaw.." He finishes.
He gives an affectionate lick on Leafthearts shoulder, and starts to pad to his den. When a strong she-cats voice stops him.

"Excuse me!?" The sleek, white and black queen, snorts.
"Yes, Skywing? What seems to be the issue?" Drizzlestar replies, with such a cool tone.
"What seems to be the issue!? What seems to be the issue!!!? Are you that mouse-brained to be asking that type of irrelivant question!! MY KITS ARE MISSING!!!" Skywing cries.
"Wait! What!? Your kits are not present!? Oceanpaw never filled me in on that!! This is serious!" Without giving Skywing a chance to reply, Drizzlestar runs into the Deputys den, Bluetail.
"Bluetail... Skywings.... missing..... kits..." Drizzlestar pants, not having time to explain. The blue and white she-cat hops to her paws and races out of the den. Only seconds later Drizzlestar, rises to his paws, and races after Bluetail.

We have a very low chance of finding them.... He thought.

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