Reality Check

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Copyright © 2013 Monica Spiteri All Rights Reserved

When I finally moved into the house some more, mother and Peyton were standing there waiting for me. “Well?” My mother spat glaring at me “What did the boy do? Has he left you yet?” Peyton laughed with her.

“She probably put out already the little slut” I gasped shocked at what I was hearing. “That is why he left her he got the quick fuck.” I blinked back tears.

“No I didn’t put out! No he hasn’t left me! We had an amazing time!” My mother laughed again and I ran to my room slamming the door and laying on my bed.

When I got to school the next day there were posters everywhere and people laughing. When I got to my locker there was a poster on there too. I gasped almost screaming. It was a poster of and Peter, we were kissing and there was a caption: Slut strikes again, first she kisses then she breaks your heart” I ripped the poster down and opened my locker; there was no rose, no note. Even after Peter and I were a couple they still continued. I ripped down all the other posters I could see and turned to see the culprits putting posters up, my SISTER and ex best friend! I stormed over

“HOW DARE YOU! TAKE THEM DOWN! TAKE THEM DOWN NOW!” they looked over at me and just laughed.

“What’s wrong sister dear? Worried your slutty ways would catch up with you?” Peyton giggled like she had said the funniest thing in the world and I slapped her, I actually movie slapped her. Kate grabbed my arm and pushed me down.

“Don’t touch us slut, we are just protecting the boys from getting any STI’s from your contaminated ass. How many guys have you slept with since stealing my man?” She hissed glaring at me.

“I didn’t touch him!” I hiss through my teeth but Kate didn’t even listen she just kept rambling on.

“Luke didn’t even want you! You made him do that!” I rolled my eyes

“Girls can’t MAKE guys do it, I didn’t sleep with him but if I did it would have been his choice.” Kate punched me then and I tasted blood in my mouth. When I opened my eyes again all the posters were on the ground and there was yelling screaming and shouting.

I opened my eyes to see Peter throwing everything out then holding his hand out to me.

“Hey beautiful, you okay? Did they hurt you badly? The posters are all gone they swore they will get rid of everything.” I nodded and just hugged him tight till the tears started to fall. I was sobbing into his neck and he rubbed my back trying to calm me down. “Shhh Shh baby girl, everything is okay, everything will be okay.”  He rubbed my back more and picked me up walking into an empty room and sitting us down so he can look at me. “Talk to me darling what is it?” I sniffled trying to wipe my eyes.

“I...I am a virgin Peter, I never kissed someone I told you that...but Luke tired to sleep with me, I turned him down my cousin beat him up so he told everyone he slept with me...and and Kate was my best friend she believed her boyfriend over me and hated they made them. Everyone thinks I’m a slut so everyone hates me. Girls hate me for being a so called slut; guys hate me ‘cause I don’t put out when they think I am meant to.” I hugged him starting to cry again “You’re the only friend I have, not even my sister is on my side.” His arms tightened around me

“It will be okay my love, I will never leave you, and they are stupid for treating you this way. Everything is okay my darling. I love you.” I sniffled and stared at him

“What...What did you say?” Peter went bright red hiding his face a little

“I umm...I said I err...I love you Rose” I grinned and pecked his lips smiling

“I love you too Peter” I smiled I didn’t care if it was too soon, I did love him, for the first time I loved someone. No one was going to take him from me, reality had hit me hard, and Peter was still here, not a dream but my real life knight in shining armour!

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