Peter talks

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Copyright © 2013 Monica Spiteri All Rights Reserved

Peter’s perspective

My family is pretty well known, my dad is very high up in his job and it’s a common thought he will be the next CEO of the most amazing company in the world. My mum, an ex singer is the most beautiful woman in the world, well other than my sisters and my girlfriend. The problem is, that’s all appearances, and my dad is all about appearances. Behind closed doors my family is very different.

My sister Shannon went to America to study, everyone was told it was because she found her dream course and my grandmother needed company, the truth? She needed to get away from my dad. He would scream at her, all the time for stupid reasons so now she lives overseas and comes to visit every now and then to make sure me and Alyssa are okay. Alyssa? Now that’s a different story, dad has been pressuring her to just get a job; she was forced to do a law degree when all she wanted to do was draw and be an artist. Every week I sneak out and sell some of her artwork to gallery’s to prove she is good at it but she’s miserable, she cries while she draws sometimes, and when dad catches her drawing he screams the house done. I haven’t seen dad do it but I’m pretty sure he has hurt my mum every now and then. He blames mum for his “Screwed up kids” as he calls us.

As for me? I’m still in school, dad is trying to make me into a mini him, he wants me to go into work with him, and marry someone like he did. But I would sooner die then be like him. My mum is amazing and sweet and he doesn’t deserve this, neither do my sisters, and yet they still do.

When I brought Rose home my dad put on the act again, pretending to be an amazing happy family and we all played along. As soon as she let though dad had his say, “No, she isn’t good enough.” No one else could get a word in so he just kept going. “She doesn’t know her father, her mother is a whore, and she will bring this family down. She is not good enough for this family. You will end things.”  I was speechless at the comments and for once in my life I got courage.

“No! I love Rose, she is not shaped by who her family is, mum didn’t know who her dad was but she was good enough for you! I will not give up Rose ever!”  Dad’s face went red in anger and he slapped me hard, I put a hand to my cheek just as both my sisters ran to the room.

“Fine, marry the whore, but it will end in a divorce.”  He walked out of the room and if it wasn’t for both my sisters holding onto me I would have punched his sorry head in. I hated that man but I couldn’t tell a soul and that is what killed me more than anything, I couldn’t even tell Rose and she was the one person I wanted to tell everything to, I wanted to expose my soul to her.


I went up to Alyssa’s room and sat on the bed. “What did you say to her?” I questioned, Rose had been avoiding me for ages and now she was back like nothing happened, I knew my sister had something to do with it but I didn’t know how much she had given away.  She put her pencil down and looked over at me.

“Don’t stress, I just let her know that who your family is doesn’t make you who you are. She was upset at her mum but asked me not to go into detail with you so I won’t I always keep my word Pete,” she added when she saw my face. “She needs you Pete, I know you don’t understand it but it is girl stuff she was hurt about. She doesn’t have anyone else, she thinks we are the perfect family and I won’t get rid of that illusion for her, she looks up to us in the hope to have that one day and I hope you plan of giving it to her because she Is an amazing girl and I know you love her, but you can’t blow it.” I nodded knowing everything she said was true.

“I will, I am going to give her everything.” I smile “I’m saving up to make her mine.” Alyssa stared at me and I blushed smiling looking at my hands. She nodded and went into a draw handing me money.

“Make her yours.” I shook my head

“No, I almost have enough sis, you keep it that’s your escape money. You need it sis.” She took the money back.

“Don’t let her go.”

“I won’t, I will make her mine within the next two weeks, if not a wedding she will have my ring on her finger.” Alyssa smiled and I kissed her head before walking out.

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