Family Time

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Copyright © 2013 Monica Spiteri All Rights Reserved

That night when I got home from school Peyton was helping mum with dinner laughing. I saw her and went right to my room, I knew if I talked to her things would end badly, besides I had to get ready, tonight Peter wanted me to meet his family. I was nervous as hell.  I was going through my clothes looking for something to wear. I settled for a black knee high skirt and red dress shirt. I was doing my hair when my mum screeched. “Someone’s at the door!”  I quickly grabbed some makeup and walked to the door opening it to a smiling Peter.

“You look amazing.” I smiled kissing his cheek

“Thank you. I’m leaving” I pulled him outside and took his hand “I need to add some makeup while we drive okay?” he nodded and we started our way.

When we pulled into his driveway I noticed he lived in a cottage it was sweet in a busy street to see a simple English cottage. “My parents have been to England and America; dad fell in love with English homes.” Peter seemed to read my mind about his house and took my hand giving it a squeeze “Don’t worry they will love you” we walked inside to the chatter of people, a sound my house never made.

“Everyone, this is Rose.” Peter smiled to the small group of people sitting at the dining table. He walked me around. “This is my mum Melissa.” A Short plump woman stood up and hugged me tight. She gave the warm motherly feeling. “My father Jason.” A tall man with black hair shook my hand and smiled warmly. Finally he pointed to two girls sitting at the table. “My older sisters, that’s Alyssa, the eldest.”  One of the girls waved. She was short with long brown hair and a warm smile. “And the middle child, Shannon” the other, short blond haired girl smiled and waved to me too.

“Nice to meet you.” Shannon smiled she had an American accent; my surprise must have been obvious. “Our grandmother is American; I spent some time over there for school last year and picked up the accent.” I smiled and Alyssa laughed.

“Yep she is the weird one, the rest of us speak like normal Australians.” I smiled and sat next to the girls Peter on my other side.

Dinner was fun; I never thought I would say those words. We laughed and joked and actually talked. The whole time I was waiting for someone to tell me how fat and ugly I was but it never came, clearly my family dinners were a LOT different normal people.  Peter was helping his mum wash up leaving me and his sisters to talk, his dad had gone to the study to work on his lecture for tomorrow, he worked at the local university in the art department. “So Rose, what do you do for fun?” Alyssa smiled warmly at me.

“Peter tells us you’re very creative.” Shannon added. I felt myself blush slightly, Peter talked about me.  I nodded and reached into my bag taking my sketch book out.

“I draw, I never showed anyone though so I highly doubt I’m actually any good.” Alyssa clapped and grabbed my book.

“I draw too!” She started looking at the drawings with Shannon looking over her shoulder. “These are amazing Rose, you should sell them, you can make some money as an artist.” I blushed more and Peter came behind us and rubbed my shoulders looking at the drawing. Alyssa had stopped on one of Peter holding a rose. He grinned and kissed my head.

“I sort of...I draw you a lot Peter.” He grinned “You’re my muse.”

“Well duh I’m pretty sexy.” His cockiness made me giggle but his sisters rolled their eyes and pushed him.

“Yeah right, it’s just easy to draw your big head.” I bite my lip used to the insults but the girls laughed and Peter joined in. I frowned confused.

“Oh babe, that wasn’t an insult she was joking.” I blushed and laughed trying to hide my embarrassment. As much as I loved these guys, I honestly felt like a complete outsider and it sucks. My family was nothing compared to these guys and for once I felt like it.

When I got home that night I silently prayed everyone was asleep. Peyton was but mother was sitting awake waiting for me, something that shocked me. “You came home late.” She pointed out before nodding to the chair near her to sit. I sat down and bit my lip waiting for her insults to start; she must have built up a list seeing as I missed two dinners.  “Are you being safe?” I stared at her not understanding the question.

“I...I’m a virgin mum.” Why was she asking this, Peyton must have said something...the bitch! Mother nodded.

“Good” she leaned forward and took my hand. “Don’t make the same mistakes I did Rose, you might love him now, but you don’t know if you will in ten years. Don’t sleep with a guy till you know he is the one, I slept with my first boyfriend and before you knew it guys were only into me for some sex. I don’t want that for you, and then you end up with children you regret because you can’t even remember who their fathers are.” She sighed and got up “you need sleep it’s a school night.” With that she left me in the room. I couldn’t believe what I just heard, that was a real mother daughter conversation, okay yes she just admitted she regrets me and everything but she cares, my mother has a heart.

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