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Rose view

I cried in Peter’s arms for what felt like hours, with him rubbing my hair trying to sooth me. When I pulled away he kissed my head and smiled sadly at me. “It’s not just your sister doing this; she’s sleeping with my dad.” I stared at Peter, he must be totally insane, and Peyton was a slut, but come on. Then it made sense, she told me her boyfriend told her to do it.

“She thinks he loves her.” Peter just shook his head and sighed running his fingers through his hair

“He wants young easy flesh to make himself feel younger” I made a face, disgusting. Peter lay down in my bed and I lay next to him.

“Stay here tonight, I can keep the bad dreams away.” He put his arms around me and pulled me closer my head resting under his chin I felt safe, nothing could hurt me here.

“You are my light in a world of darkness” I heard him whisper against my hair making me sigh. I loved this man so much; I don’t know what I would do without him.

When I woke up the next morning Peter was sitting at the end of my bed his back to me. I crawled over and saw my dad’s letter in his hands and I froze. “Fathers huh? Even when the piss off you can’t escape them.” His laugh was hollow, like it had been forced. It didn’t sound like my Peter. I put my hand slowly on his arm scared to set him off. He looked over and me and smiled weakly “Why haven’t you opened it?” I shrugged

“I’m too scared, what it just hurts me?” He put an arm round me kissing my temple

“Let’s do it together then love, let me support you, let me be your light.” I bite my lip and nodded slowly taking the letter out of his hands. I turned it over, my hands running over the paper envelope, tracing my name slowly. Peter didn’t say anything; he let me take my time. Slowly I opened the letter and took out the folded paper inside. When I did a photo fell out. I picked it up to see my own eyes staring at me, just older. I bit my lip; there was a photo of my dad. He was smiling, he eyes marked with age and laugh lines and he was curling black hair. My fingers traced the photo, my heart was racing with fear mixed with excitement, this could be the big clue I need to where I come from, and this could answer all my questions. I showed the photo to Peter and he smiled running his fingers over mine, encouraging me to read the letter.  I took a deep breath and slowly opened the letter, my nervous beginning to get the best of me.

My Dearest Rose Petal,

I know your mother probably didn’t give this to you till you got your first boyfriend, she was always like that, I also suppose she spilled some lie about me crushing her into a million pieces and that’s why I never talked to you. Here’s the truth, if you chose to believe a man you never met. Your mother was meant to be the love of my life, but she hurt me, she fell pregnant with your older sister before she met me and I accepted her no matter what happened, then your mother had you. There was a woman at my work; I work in the offices of a car dealership so you know. She was new and your mother got jealous I was showing her the ropes around the place. She was convinced there was something going on between and decided to have her own affair. Your mother fell pregnant again, guess she never learnt what birth control is, and I found out. She aborted the baby but I couldn’t stay married to women who hurt me so badly. I fought for your custody trying to prove her as an unhealthy mother but the courts saw her as the innocent women with two abandoned kids. Sadly I was never even granted weekends with you and that is why I have never seen you. There is a school fund set up in your name that I started a while ago and it is yours when you want it. I have married the women from work but only dated her three years after I got over your mother. Seeing as you got this when you started dating. NO SEX! If he touched my little girl I will find him and I will make him regret it. I love you baby girl, if you want to find me, just come to my office I work all day 9-5 and really want to see you, please come.

Love you,


I stared at the letter for ages not sure what to do. Peter was reading over my shoulder, he was the first to speak. “You should go.” I stared at him and he nodded “Go meet him, he seems to be nicer than your mum, and come on this story is WAY more believable then your mums now that you read the letter.” I nodded he was right, this did seem more logical now; mum slept around dad seems so nice. I wanted to meet him, I had to meet him.

An hour later I found myself staring at the front of my dad’s office door, the lady at the desk smiled and was happy to show me here once I showed her the photo of my dad. I couldn’t bring myself to knock. Slowly after another deep breath I knocked on the door. “Come in” there was a husky reply, my dad had a deep voice, I never heard something like that before. I opened the door slowly to see an older version of the man in the photo staring at me. The only difference was the white hairs showing his age. As soon as he saw me he stood up and hugged me tight. “Rose!” he smiled pulling away to take a look at me, as if to make sure he wasn’t dreaming “My Rose Petal it really is you.” I nodded hugging him back.

“Hi Daddy, it’s been a long time” 

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