Chapter Seventeen

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There was something about a big crowd gathering to eat that reminded Rachel of the compound.

Lounging around the many tables were people of all shapes, colors and sizes, all engrossed in the mundane details of their lives and she was struck by how ordinary they were. 

A little like the people of the compound, except some were rounder and the people of the compound had never sat like quite like that--with shoulders relaxed and no visible weapons in sight. 

"Right this way Rachel." Debra said, interrupting her thoughts. "As soon as we get your physical done, you can come back here for some food. Everyone's just finishing up lunch now but we'll have something ready for you when you return."

Rachel nodded, distracted by the laughs and easy banter of the crowd around her. She felt like an outsider looking in through a window into an unfamiliar world- one that she thought she'd never get a chance to experience. 

More food than she had ever seen in her lifetime before littered the many tables. 

Could all of that really be just for them?

There was enough food there to feed the compound for months. 

Debra touched Rachel's arm and she allowed her to lead her to the opposite end of the cafeteria where they exited swiftly through a set of doors. 

On the other side and down a winding labyrinth of halls the hospital, with several cubicles separated by glass walls. 

"Put this on and wait here. This test will be crucial in determining where you will be placed, as will the others so be sure to try your best." Debra said as she handed her a fresh paper gown. "Someone will be with you shortly and good luck, honey." 

Rachel clutched the gown to her chest and scanned the room.

The walls were a salmon color and a single, glass wall lay in front of her which had retracted to let them through. The cot she sat on was hard but smooth and felt cool to the touch. 

Rachel didn't undress- not with the clear glass door giving the passers-by a free glimpse of her body.

Instead, she sat down and patiently waited. 

A woman arrived a few minutes later and shot her a small smile. "Hello," She glanced down at the thin, electronic item in her hands, "Miss Wilson. My name is Latrice and I'm going to be doing your physical today. Now sit up and take a deep breath for me."

Latrice studied Rachel's lungs and body and did a measurement of her height and weight. 

She analyzed her eyes, ears and throat with a light and then made her get on a machine with a black rubber beneath her feet.

When Latrice pressed a button, the rubber began to move and Rachel started jogging in sync to the machine. 

Gradually, Latrice began to raise the speed until Rachel was running and gasping for air

Her side ached and her lungs felt near exploding but she did not give up. With Debra's words ringing in her ear, she pushed herself, wanting to prove her strength. 

After recording how many push ups Rachel could do, which wasn't many, Latrice explained to her that after each beeping noise she was to run from wall to wall. 

Between laps, an electronic television lit up with names and numbers next to them caught Rachel's attention.

"What's that?" Rachel asked.

"Oh that's the leader board. The record for this test is three hundred laps but you do as many as you can manage, honey." 

The record was two hundred and Rachel did two hundred and two. 

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