Prolouge: A Solemn Promise

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"MIKEY!" Leo rushed towards Mikey. Mikey was kidnapped by the Shredder for 5 days straight and what Leo saw was beyond his expectations. Leo knew that Mikey could get hurt while being under the Shredder's captive. He knew that Mikey would be full of injuries by the time they found him, but what he saw shocked him. Mikey had severe cuts, burns and stabs, which looked like as though they were only cleaned briefly. Mikey had suffered under the Shredder's clutches and Leo was not there to help him.

"I'm sorry, Mikey....." He pulled Mikey into an embrace. Tears ran down his face as he thought about his baby brother. "If only I was there, if only I have done more to find him, then he won't suffer for 5 days straight...." Just then, a presence was sensed. "Ah, if it isn't the leader of the pathetic turtles...." "Shredder?!" He raised his katanas to prepare for battle. He turned towards the Shredder. "What did you do to him?" He asked in an icy voice. The Shredder will pay for what he had done to his brother.

"Michelangelo refused to tell where Hamato Yoshi and his pathetic family was, so I decided to get the information out of him, the hard way." Leo gripped his katanas more tightly. "If he had simply told me where you all are hiding, then, he won't have to suffer." The Shredder then raised his gauntlet to strike. "Now, prepare to breathe your last, turtles, for you will never see your family again." As he struck, Leo's katanas blocked the attack. Leo then attempted a roundhouse kick, but the Shredder dodged out of the way.

The Shredder rushed towards Leo and used the gauntlet to stab him, but Leo dodged the attack and used the katanas to slash him on the knee. "UGH!" The Shredder fell for a moment due to the sheer pain. "I see that Hamato Yoshi has taught you well, turtle," Leo smiled at the comment. "But this sheer victory will be short-lifted!" The Shredder then rushed towards him again and this time, he managed to stab Leo on the plastron. Leo yelled in pain and fell to the ground, clutching his plastron. The Shredder then slashed him on the cheek. "This is to make the pain last longer, turtle." The Shredder smirked, ignoring Leo's glares.

"Now, I will make his end swift." "NO!" Leo felt a sudden urge to protect Mikey and a raging emotion to prevent the Shredder from getting what he wanted. All of a sudden, the Shredder was pushed back by a hard force. "ARGH!" When the Shredder looked up, he saw a blue figure. The figure had bright white wings behind his back. He was also wearing a blue robe. His eyes were completely white. That figure, is Leonardo.

"What kind of sorcery is this? How is this even possible? No matter, I will make your end swift!" The Shredder dove once more to take him down, but Leo flew out of the way and kicked Shredder hard. The Shredder landed onto the wall and he landed onto the ground. The Shredder was taken aback by the blue-clad turtle's sudden power. "How does he get all that power?" The Shredder stood up, but realised that fighting Leo is not wise. If Leo has this kind of huge power in him, this can result in death, which means that he would not get what he want, which is revenge.

"I bid you farewell, turtles. I promise you, the next time we meet, you SHALL PARISH!" He immediately rushed out of the area. Leo heaved a sigh of relief. Then, he discovered that he had somehow turned into some kind of creature. His shoulders and shell hurts, but he assumed that the pain will wear off. He also discovered that his injuries had healed somehow. "What did I turn into?" He thought. However, he snapped out of the amazement. His brother needed him.

He flew to Mikey, checking his pulse. "Good, still alive." Leo sighed with relief. He carried Mikey in his arms and tried to find a window so that he can fly out of there. Just then, he saw a window. An open window. Leo quickly flew out, taking Mikey with him. He decided to go to the nearest rooftop, since letting New Yorkers see a flying mutant in the sky would not be a good idea.

Leo flew to the nearest rooftop. He put Mikey down and then, he realised something. He needs to contact Raph and Donnie right now. The 2 must have been worried, not hearing from Leo for some time. He was about to find his T-Phone when he saw Mikey. A bitter feeling settled in as he was still feeling guilty about not finding his baby brother sooner and ending his suffering earlier. Mikey does not deserve one strike and blow the Shredder lashed upon him. Leo, however, couldn't help feeling proud of Mikey. Even when the Shredder tortured Mikey until Mikey could not take it anymore, Mikey refused to give away their location. Leo smiled fondly at Mikey.

Leo then pulled Mikey into a fierce embrace, his wings moving along with his arms and covering Mikey protectively. "I am so sorry, Mikey, really sorry. I couldn't stop the Shredder from kidnapping you and I can't believe I allowed that monster to lay a finger on you. I promise, Mikey, I will protect you from him. I will protect all of you from him. If he dare lay even a finger on any of you, he will not get away with this." He kissed Mikey gently on the forehead and hugged him tightly. Mikey will be safe, he will make sure of it.

He put Mikey down in a comfortable position and tried to find a way to snap out of his current form. He thought of the moment he transformed. He had a powerful urge to protect Mikey from the Shredder's clutches. He then closed his eyes and breathed in and out, calming himself down. "Mikey is safe, everyone else is safe." He thought. Suddenly, he felt something disappearing. He opened his eyes and found that he is back in his normal form. He then took out his T-Phone and called Raph.

"LEO? Where have you been? Did you find Mikey yet?" "Yes, I did, Raph, but he doesn't look good." "Doesn't look good? Oh...Hold on a sec..." Raph gave the phone to Donnie. "Leo? Listen carefully. We have to get Mikey back to the lair. There, I can examine him further. Meet you guys back in the lair, ok?" "Ok, Donnie, I am bringing Mikey back to the lair now." "Good." Donnie seemed relieved and hung up. Leo carried Mikey and when they found a manhole, Leo opened it and piggy-backed Mikey back to the lair.

"Don't worry, Mikey, everything's ok now." Leo whispered gently to Mikey while rushing towards the lair.


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