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My imperfect life began on July 17th
It began as any other warm summer morning. I got up around 10:00 am, ate my morning bagel, brushed my teeth and slipped on my usual summer outfit; Tank top, shorts, and converse. Yep, sounds pretty normal to me.
As I was curling my hair that morning, I got a text from my best friend Veronica. It was to ask if I wanted to meet her and Alexa (my other best friend) at Davidson's skate park. Davidson's skate park is one of the few well-known hang out spots in Vermont. We go there almost any day we're all free from plans our family drags us into. So of course I accepted, finished doing my hair, said goodbye to my parents, and left the house on my skateboard. Little did I know, that was the last perfect morning in my house.
  "Patrick Coleman is a hottie!" Alexa squealed. We were laying in a field of grass next to the skate park. "Eh." I shrugged. Patrick Coleman is Alexa's favorite singer, or as she would put it, guy of her dreams. "Lyric you are so blind. How can you not like this gorgeous face!" Alexa piped, shoving a picture of brown haired and freckled Patrick in my face. I shrug again, and looked back up at the slightly cloudy sky.       
     "Maybe Lyric doesn't like Patrick because she has another little crushy wushy!" My friend Veronica assumes. I look at her signature smirk and roll my eyes. "As a matter of fact Veronica, there are zero guys on my crush list." "Hmm sure." She replies. I turn my body sideways so that it faces her, and prop my elbow up. "I'm serious." I say with a straight face. "No crushes, zippo! Besides, I don't think I could ever love anyone like that."
"You say that now." But before I could respond to that, Veronica stands up. "Come on let's stop mopping and let's go skateboarding!" "Yes finally!" Alexa stands up, "I'm tired of being tired." I laugh and stand up alongside my friends. "Race you guys to the skatepark!" I chant, getting on my skateboard and flying off. "Lyric that's not fair!" I hear Veronica shout, as she and Alexa come after me on their skateboards.
  After spending the whole day skateboarding and doing other random crap, me and my friends said our goodbyes and departed. As I was riding home that summer evening, an uneasy feeling started making it's way in my chest. Something was up, something was not right. I continued skateboarding home anyways, but the uneasy feeling only got bigger.
     As I drew closer and closer to my house, cop cars and ambulances became visible. I stopped skateboarding when I saw a buff looking man, maybe in his 40's, being dragged out of my house in handcuffs. 'What the hell was going on?' I scooped up my skateboard, and continued the rest of the way to the house by foot. Which was only like two blocks, but whatever.
  Police reporters ran past me, heading towards the front door with cameras and test tubes that they use for blood samples. I slowly walked towards the driveway, where caution tape was put in front of it so no one could get past. All I could do was stare. I stared at the yellow caution tape while the unnerving question was finally answered.
  "Miss, is this your home?" A female officer asked. I simply nodded, eyes still on the tape. "And are these your parents?" She put a picture of my smiling parents in front of the caution tape I was still glued on. I nodded again, then I heard her sigh. "I'm sorry to tell you that your parents were shot and killed at around 3:45 pm."
     'Gee lady, thanks for telling me so god damn bluntly. As if I really care about the fucking time my parents died.' Of course I didn't say that out loud, but boy was it racing through my head. I felt like crying, but for some reason I just couldn't. So instead of standing there balling my eyes out like a normal girl would do, I followed the officer to the cop car with dry eyes.
My emergency contact was my aunt. So arrangements were contrived for me to go live with her back in San Diego, California.        
Packing made the shitty situation ten times worse. After what happened inside my house, I wasn't in a hurry to go back inside. Whether the bodies were picked up or not, my once loving home was not so loving anymore. It just brought chills to my body. 
  I left without saying goodbye to my friends. It would've just been too hard. And to be perfectly honest, I didn't really want to see them. I wanted to be alone. Because that's the way I was gonna spend the rest of my life, alone.

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