Chapter 1 (Lyric's p.o.v)

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1 year later:
"Lyric!" "Lyric!" "Lyric!" The crowd booms as I swallow my 16th shot of liquor. Twenty. The number races through my head. My goal is twenty shots I can do this. But then I throw up, and it all ends. The crowd's cheering stops. And in a split second it was like they weren't even here. Typical. Drunk. Crowds. As I stumble to find my purse, I spot my friends Dawn and Makayla coming my way. Dawn comes to stand by me, putting all her weight on my right shoulder.
"I gotta hand it to you Ricky, this party was lit!" And she's drunk. Just fabulous.
"Lyric we gotta hurry. The cops will be on our asses soon." Makayla states as she puts one of Dawn's arms over her shoulder. I do the same and we bolt out of the club.
"This is our 5th illegal club party this month!" Makayla shouts.
I laugh out loud. "And the fucking greatest!" Even though my tipsiness made it hard to believe so. We quickly throw Dawn into the back seat of Makayla's Mini Cooper and hop into the front. Makayla guns it before I can even get my seat belt on, and I smash into the bashboard. "Damn it." I mutter as I sit back up. "Sorry gotta bust!"
I glare at her as I buckle up. "Well my head already hurts enough. Just drive back to your house my aunt won't want to see me like this." Makayla nods as she presses the gas all the way down. And soon we are speeding down the street at 93 mph.
Five minutes in and we hear the familiar sounds of a cop car chasing behind us. "Shit. Shit. Shit!" I wailed. "Makayla faster!"
"Fuck Lyric you know I can't!" Makayla screams as she tries to press harder on the brakes. "Shit this thing's gonna crash." I felt my heart drop to my stomach. I'm fucking dead.
"Makayla we're gonna crash right into that fucking pickup truck!" I pointed at the pickup truck which was coming to a halt due to the red light.
"No we're not!" She shouts as she rears the car more to the right; making a screeching tire sound that makes me cringe. With the car being out of control, we crash right into the stop light pole. The cops were already on our ass before we had time to unbuckle our seat belts.
"Well. Well. Well." The cop comes up and smirks. "Lyric and Makayla, please hand over your fake ID's." And someone fucking exposed us at the club. Fucking drunkards. We do so and he motions for us to get out of the vehicle. Makayla grabs Dawn, and we all wobble over in front of the cop.
"Now." He speaks to us sternly. "Which one of you is under the influence?"
"Uh. We kinda...all are." Makayla answers.
"Alright. Get in the back." The cop opens the door and all three of us climb in the back.
My aunt was already waiting at the police station when I arrived; with a big frown placed across her face. I didn't apologize to her; say goodbye to my friends; nothing. Instead I peacefully walked to my aunt's car and shut the door. On the way home the lecture started about:
"You should know better!"
"You're 17!"
"Do I need to take away privileges?" And fucking blah blah blah. I sat looking out the window, and not listening as usual. My aunt pulled into our two-story subdivision house on Florida Street. I bolted out of the car; ran into the house and up the stairs into my bedroom. I stared in the doorway at all my tøp, fob, and mcr posters; my unmade bed; dirty cloths pile, and Royal blue and black walls that I begged my aunt to let me paint. I walk over to my messy dresser full of old ID's, beer cans, and used makeup. I look into the mirror of my bureau dresser and I undo the bun from my hair. My now black hair with red tips comes falling down on my shoulders. I then grab some makeup remover and wash off all the eyeliner, mascara, foundation, and lip stick off my ovally face. I sigh at my now makeup free face and turn around to flop down on my bed. I grab my laptop that was lying on my pillow and I go to check my email. I smile at my profile pic of me and Makayla until I see 85 notifications on my inbox from Veronica. It was all texts like:
"We miss you!"
"When are you visiting?"
"How are you?" And all kinds of other pity shit.
I roll my eyes and shut off my laptop. I don't need pity. I'm threw with that bullshit. I pick up my phone and dial Makayla's number; who answers at the second ring.
Makayla: "Hey!"
Lyric: "Hey! Did you get in trouble?"
Makayla: "Grounded for life. You?"
Lyric: "I think I will later. I kinda got out of it."
Makayla: "Well you lucky bitch. But hey, guess what?"
Lyric: "what?"
Makayla: "Samuel told me that there's this new kid from England coming to our school tomorrow."
Ah yes, Samual; Makayla's fuckboy of a boyfriend. Just don't tell her I said that.
Lyric: "What's his name?"
Makayla: "He said he didn't know. But he did say he has like three classes with you."
Lyric: "Oh. Hey Makayla I should go before my aunt takes away my phone." I chuckle.
Makayla: "Alright. See you tomorrow."
Lyric: "Bye." I hang up.
A new kid? That should be great. Another person I gotta deal with. I set my phone alarm for 7:30 tomorrow morning, then I climb into bed not bothering to change my cloths. I close my eyes and my hangover begins.

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