Chapter 4

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Kai sat down on one of the swing and nodded at the one next to him, asking me to sit down. "Seriously, Kai. What are you doing here?" I furrowed my eyebrows, he don't look like he is here to confess. So after not contacting for years, what is he doing here all of sudden?! "Didn't I told you earlier? I was bored." I glared at him after hearing his answer, "why can't you hang out with your group of friends than?!"

"You mean EXO-K?" He chuckled before continuing, "I see them everyday in school. If I stick around with them during my weekends too, it's too gross." "Yerim, you can find her too! She'll be more than happy to keep you accompany." Seeing him expressionless made me nervous about what he would answer. "She's not my type." he answered coldly. Hearing this made me shocked but at the same time, relieved and glad. Wait, than why did he agreed to be her friend?! "She isn't your type?!"

He shot glare at my direction, "do you think she is?!" I couldn't answer. Who would know what is your type?! I confessed and you rejected. Who would you accept than?! "If she isn't your type, why did you agreed to befriend with her?" He smirked, "isn't that what you want? It was you who made me agreed." I widened my eyes in surprise, "When did I do that?!" He looked away and stared into space, "you were the one who brought her and came bugging me, and even said my attitude was bad." "I-I didn't bring her along. I tagged along with her... furthermore, it was true that your attitude sucks anyway."

"Is your attitude good than? Look at how you are talking to me. Rude, and unpleasant." I glared at him and defended myself, "I'm not a saint, I can't bring myself to be nice to you." He froze for a moment and stared at me intensely, making me flustered. My heart began to race and I quickly looked away. "Do you hate me?" Hate? "Or do you still have feelings for me?" I felt blush crept onto my cheeks, "don't think so highly of yourself. I am no longer that ignorant girl who confessed to you. I don't have anymore feelings for you. Let alone like or hate." He merely frowned at my words, he looked... angry? Why is he angry? Because I said I don't have anymore feelings for him? It can't be.... he don't like me at all, why would me liking him or not matter to him?

"You don't have anymore feelings for me?" He paused, seeing that I have nothing to say, he continued. "If that's the case why do you looked as if you're jealous when I agreed to befriend with Yerim?" His dark brown orbs stared at me intensely, making me so nervous as if my heart would jump out of my chest anytime. "Did I? Were you blind or something? I was more than happy okay?!" I denied the fact quickly. "Happy?" He frowned and glared. "Yea, I was happy for Yerim. But if she isn't your type, why did you agreed to be her friend?"

He continued glaring, what's wrong with him?! Did I do something wrong? Forget it, he is unhappy with me regardless what I did anyway. "You're not playing with her are you?" "I don't have the time to play with her." His tone was so cold and he seemed as if he's going to explode any moment. "Than why did you agreed?" He paused for a moment before he glared at my direction again, "because she isn't like you." He agreed to her cause she isn't like me?! What is this?! "How is she different? In terms of looks? Personality?" Bastard! How could you just leave me hanging there?! "You don't have anymore feelings for me, why would you want to know?" Than he stood up and walked away. "Where are you going?!" "Home." Than he continued walking without turning back at all, leaving me here stunned. What the hell is wrong with that guy?! Is he mentally unsound or something? Waste of my time....

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