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Hyemin stared at Jongin's sleeping face before smiling to herself. It has been 4 years since Hyemin was married to Jongin. Well, their marriage wasn't entirely smooth-sailing neither is it bad. They had an almost perfect marriage with a 3 year old son, Jongmin, who had his dad's looks and personality. They would say their marriage is perfect if Jongin isn't very possessive of Hyemin. But he is, so what can Hyemin do about it other than accepting that part of him?

However, he is not to be fully blamed. Part of it was because of the EXO boys who are now close with Hyemin, they 'stole' her attention from him from time to time as they find Jongin being jealous is really fun. Hyemin knew they did it on purpose sometimes and found it to be funny so at times, she would join in too. But of course, she would be 'punished' by Jongin after that.

"Morning." Jongin whispered as he woke up, noticing her stares. He pulled her closer by the waist while shifting his position such that his face is buried in the crock of her neck. He looked up and kissed her lips which soon turned into a hot and passionate one. He glided his hands down from her neck to her waist and tugged her shirt. He slid his hands under it and just when he was about to undress her, the room door opened. There stood their 3 year old son who was about to wake them up.

"Appa! Omma!" The boy ran and joined them in the bed, lying between them. Jongin love yet hate this boy. Love as he is so adorable be it looks or behavior, hate as he is always cock-blocking them. He sometimes wondered if Chen was the one who taught him how to be a cock-blocker. "Happy birthday, my baby boy." Hyemin chuckled before kissing Jongmin. "Appa, it's my birthday!!" The boy jumped excitedly, "I know... happy birthday." Jongin chuckled before pulling the boy into a hug and forced Jongmin to sleep in his arms.

"Omma~ appa is crushing me." He whined jokingly before bursting into laughers. "Appa, wake up!" Jongmin cried out as he saw his dad closing his eyes and was about to doze off. Jongmin quickly pulled his dad by the arm, trying to pull him up. Hyemin decided to help him. "Yah, wake up... we still have to prepare for his party." Jongin groaned before getting up. "Arrasso...." he made his way to the toilet with his eyes half-lidded closed.

They quickly had their breakfast before they start to decorate their house for Jongmin's birthday. They invited EXO who has been to their house at least thrice a week, their families and some of their friends, along with the friends Jongmin made in his pre-school. The boy ran about excitedly, unable to keep still due to the excitement he is feeling. Hyemin giggled at her son's behavior as she realised he had got this from her. "Let's hope our daughter would have your looks but not the dense part." Jongin hugged her from behind and whispered. Before she could react and hit him, he quickly grabbed Jongmin and sat down on the couch, watching some random shows that was airing on television.

Now, Hyemin is expecting their second child, a daughter this time. "Jongmin~" Suho called the moment he entered their house with his hands full of paper bags, which contained presents for Jongmin as it was Jongmin's 3 years old birthday. "Uncle Suho!" Jongmin who was sitting on Jongin's lap while watching the television turned his attention to Suho and ran towards the leader. "Happy birthday!" Suho picked him up after putting the presents a side.

Jongin glared at the older one, unhappy how he could steal the attention of his son's easily. "Relax, it's not an everyday thing that they are here..." Hyemin chuckled at her husband's reaction and settled down next to him while chiding. "But it's a every few day thing that they are here! It's almost as if this is their house! And they're snatching you and Jongmin from me." Jongin whined childishly and pout. "Aigoo... you're such a kid." Hyemin pecked him on the lips and said. Jongin grinned and was about to deepen the kiss when he heard chattering of the boys, which signaling that they are here already.

He groaned as he pulled away, glaring at them for having such a bad timing. "Minnie~" Lu Qing who came hand-in-hand with him. Lu Qing ran into Hyemin's arms and hugged her as if she hasn't seen Hyemin for years when it has only been 2 days. "Congrats! Your dream of having a daughter is gonna come true."

"Mama!" Jongmin who saw his god-mother, Lu Qing cried out and ran towards her and hugged her legs. "Me miss you." He pout and mumbled. "Aigoo, can't I speak to your mommy for a while?" The little boy giggled before putting his hands in the air, asking her to carry him. Which she did, and the boy hugged her after giving her a peck on the cheeks. "Mama, I'm going to be oppa soon!" He announced excitedly as he grinned. "I think you'll be a great mum of our kids in future." He whispered into her ears before escaping to the EXO boys before Lu Qing could react.

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