Chapter 4

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Hunter just stared at me when I was finished.

"This girl... Lily... did you, erm... did you ever meet her?"

I blinked at Hunter. Why would he care about Lily?

"Yes, a few times. Why?" Hunter ignored my question, asking another. "Could you... uhm, describe her for me?"

~Uhm, I still don't understand WHY.~

"Well... sure, I guess. She had long blonde hair, like... sandy blonde hair, and she always kept it in a braid. She was really nice to me and David all the time, and she had these amazingly, intense navy blue-"

"Eyes. Like the sky at midnight."

I stared, shocked, at Hunter. "'d you know?"

Hunter got up, and turned his back on me.

Something was terribly wrong.


"... Hunter? Hunter, what's wrong?"

Hunter had never acted like this. He was always smug, always superior, always teasing me.

Always stable.

But now, Hunter stood there, looking away from me.

Looking afraid. Looking upset. Looking worried. Looking vunerable.

"Hunter... Hunter, please. Please tell me what's wrong."

I got up and touched his shoulder gently. He still didn't look at me. "...Hunter..." I whispered. What was the matter with him?

Hunter turned around and hugged me.

"I'm sorry."


"You're what? Why!?"

Hunter looked into my eyes solemnly.


"Lily was my sister."

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