I woke up the next morning to the lovely sound of yelling. Fantastic, I thought bitterly, groggily rolling over towards the source of the yelling.
Hunter stood in the doorway to his room, arms crossed defensively over his chest. I couldn't quiet see who he was talking to - oh, wait...
Hunter shifted his weight and I saw who he was arguing with.
Of course, I thought as I sighed. Who else would he be arguing with but Luke?
I quickly focused intently on the arguement.
"...not my fault you're an irresponsible, impulse-driven, immature kid who can't handle a girl when she has an emotional break-down!"
"I handled her just fine! You don't know anything about her, so how would you know whether what I did was good or bad for her? She's my fiance - I have the right to her, so let her go!"
"You have the right to her? She isn't a dog, Luke! You don't own her or anything; she has her own free will! And you're an oblivious idiot if you think I don't know anything about her. I bet I know her better than you do."
"What the hell are you saying? You think you can make her happier than I can?"
"I'm damn sure I can."
"Don't be foolish, Hunter. Let my fiance out of your room or face the punishments."
"Fine. Do whatever you want. Banish me. Beat me. Kill me. It's better than having anything to do with an idiot who has no idea what he's doing and can only think of himself."
"Don't think I won't take you up on that offer, Hunter. Now let me talk to her."
"The last thing that girl needs is to see your face. Do you have any idea what kind of danger you put her in? Lauren found her, for fuck sakes, Luke! If I hadn't have come downstairs she would've been dead right now."
"What!? Is she okay!?"
"What's it matter to you?! You're the one that left her alone and ungaurded down there!"
"Hunter, I-"
"Shut up, Luke. You've got some serious thinking to do. Go lock yourself in your room for a while, get some sense into that naive head of yours. I'll let her talk to you when the both of you are damn well ready."
Hunter slammed his door and locked it, and to my surprise, I think Luke left. Hunter turned around with a scowl on his face and looked immidietly at me.
"Oh." He said simply. "You're up."
I slowly sat up at the edge of the bed, staring at him.
"Whh... what was that about?" I asked quietly. Hunter walked over to his window, pulling open the curtains.
"You know exactly what that was about."
I paused, staring at the window and the sunlight pouring in. Hunter's room had a beautiful view, from what I could see. I turned my body completely to face him and swung my legs to lie on my stomach.
"So... you're not letting me see or talk to him?" I asked. Hunter nodded. "You're damn right I'm not." He confirmed.
"Why?" I asked after a pause. Hunter gives a smug laugh, but nothing else for a while, until I prod him with a "...Hunter?"
He turns to look at me, and there is some emotion in his eyes that I can't really define. Rage? Sorrow? Disgust? Worry? Who knows.
"You're also not leaving my room for a little while." He told me.
My eyes shot wide open.
"Excuse me?"
Arranged? More Like Deranged!
VampireYou're probobly wondering what this is. Or, for some, you're wondering why this is here early. Haven't figured it out yet? Yes, this is the sequel to MMLP; Marriage? More Like Punishment! (By the way, I have decided to call this the "More Like" seri...