Chapter 13

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NOTE; Formatting and everything sucks on this because the editor is messed up beyond belief. Bear with me D:? Y'all know by now that it's screwed but I feel bad because of it xP. I'm experimenting right now because all this damned text is in a like five inch spread across the center of the editor and I hit ALIGN LEFT but it won't. -.-'.


"Excuse me?!" I snapped, sitting up suddenly. Hunter's face was nothing but serious. "Look, Katrina, something is going on with you. I don't know what it is, or what caused it, but I know that if it doesn't get fixed soon you're going to get really messed up. Your fiance is certainly no help, so I've taken the responsibility upon myself to be the one to fix you."

I paused, staring at Hunter. Suddenly, out of no where, the nightmares I used to have of him played through my head quickly, like flashcards. I looked down and grimaced as I remembered how much I feared him and how manipulative and strange he used to be. When the hell did that change?


Hunter's Point Of View -

Her head shot up to look at me, slightly hung still. Her expression was confused, accusing and scared and her eyes seemed empty.

"What is it?" I asked, sort of worried. Did I say something wrong?"

She stared at me for another moment, something almost like hate flashing in her eyes for a moment. "Hunter..." She started, but cut herself off with an angry sigh, like she didn't know what she was saying.

I took a step towards her, cautiously. "What is it?" I asked quietly.

She looked away and ran her hand through her hair. "Since when were we like this?" She asked, just as quiet.

I was a bit confused. "What do you mean?" I asked. She looked up at me, obvious debate going on in her head. She asked me a different question. "Why do you think it's your responsiblity to take care of me? To fix me?"

Damn it. Why did she have to ask questions? This was one I didn't want to answer. One I'd be running from. I didn't think about it for a reason. But Katrina certainly wouldn't accept an "I don't know." So instead, I just lied.

"I don't know. I guess it feels like I did this to you. You started acting weird after our conversation and my confession, after all..." I muttered. I glanced up at her, and she was still staring at me. I thought she caught my bluff for a moment when she said, "Hunter, this isn't about what you told me." 

Hook, line and sinker. She fell for it. Question dodged. Lie accomplished. I wanted to grin, but she'd catch me then. I just sighed. "Then what's it about, Katrina?" 

She looked away again. It was a long time before she spoke.

"How will locking me up in your room fix me?" She asked. I grimaced. I was running out of patience for her questions. "Look, Katrina, I honestly don't know. What I do know is that if you are anywhere else, Luke will get to you. He triggered it last time, didn't he? Besides, he doesn't deserve to see you for a few days."

Katrina stared at me, violet eyes piercing me. I wanted to look away, but I didn't. "That's not good enough, Hunter." She said. I nodded slowly. "I know..."

Katrina stood up and I stiffened, my guard firing up. We didn't look at eachother for a moment, but when we did, Katrina sighed. "We're both acting really weird, aren't we?" She said. I didn't answer her.

- Katrina's Point Of View -

"I just feel so guilty."He blurted out. I looked at him again, curious. "Guilty about what? Me? Look, Hunter, how many times do I have to tell you -"

"Come on, Katrina. I practically killed your brother, you said so yourself. I killed my own sister. I told you and you -"

"Would you shut up?" I snapped. "This isn't your fault."

"It's not that I feel it's my fault!" He yelled, and I jolted, startled. Hunter sighed angrily.

"Just... just get out then." Hunter said, quickly walking to the door and unlocking it.


"Seriously Katrina. Get out."

I sighed and did as he asked. He closed the door behind me as soon as I was out of the room and I sighed, pausing. I think I even heard him let out asob.

I wanted to turn around and knock on his door and ask him what was going on, but suddenly, everything just felt so weird. I should just stay afraid of him.

Then it hits me that I am afraid of him. I'm still afraid, even after seeing him break down in front of me. When he yelled, I jumped. My eyes widened. I took a step back. Somewhere in me, I was still terrified of Hunter. And I guess I should be. 

The realization hit me out of the blue.

If Luke was home, guess who else was?

I ran towards Cameron's room as fast as I could, not even thinking to knock as I threw the door open.

Cameron was lying sideways and shirtless on his bed, mouth slightly open and completely asleep.

Despite the fact that Cameron was my brother (well, step...) and that this was probobly okay to see him like this, it was still extremely awkward. I guess it's always awkward seeing a new family member shirtless for the first time... or maybe that's only when the family member is pretty damned attractive.

I felt so awkward with that thought, as if Cameron could hear me in his sleep. I was about to turn around and leave when I sighed, and Cameron's eyes shot open. Talk about bat hearing!

He looked up and saw me immidietly. "Uh... hi..." I greeted him with a small smile as I blushed. He sat up quickly. "Oh! Katrina! Hey, how are y-"

He paused, noticing he was shirtless, and then laughed. "Sorry. No wonder you're acting so flustered." He said as he winked at me and got up. As he walked over to his closet I retorted childishly, "I am not flustered!"

He smirked as he pulled a shirt over his head and said, "If you weren't, I wouldn't have to put a shirt on to make you feel comfortable."

"Stop complaining about putting on clothes and get over here and hug me damn it." I said, kind of just letting the wordspour out of my mouth. I felt embarressed for being so straightforward, but he turned to me with a boyish grin and made his way over to me, hugging me. "Aww." He laughed. "I missed you too, Katrina." He said as he let go. I grinned at him, and he smiled back before his face went serious.

"So, even though your mouth is allgedly on lock-down about this whole thing, I'll give it a try anyways - you wanna tell me what's going on with you lately?"

I grimanced. Why the hell does everyone want the answer to that question?

"If I knew, do you think I-"

We were cut off by Cameron's door opening.

"I thought I heard your voice." He said. I stared at him, completely paralyzed as one thought shot through my mind.

Fuck. Hunter was right.

Luke was definitly the last person I needed to see or talk to right now.

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