Writing & Speaking

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In Korean, the verb endings change depending on whether the language is used in writing or speech.

For example, "나는 학교에 갔다" which means "I went to school" is a written form, and "나는 학교

에 갔어" is a spoken form.

•나는 학교에 갔다 = I went to school (written form as in writing, books, diary and newspaper)

•나는 학교에 갔어 = I went to school (spoken form as in conversations, movies and dramas) 

As you can see, the ending of a verb changes from 갔다 to 갔어, both of which mean "went".

Therefore you'd write in one way but speak in a slightly different way. But don't be too alarmed at 

the difference, as there are simple patterns to it, and you'll get to learn them along the way.

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