Chapter 5- Alex

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   I was cleaning my classic m16a1 when I heard a power drill from next door. Yuri's room always has sounds like that coming from it. As usual he was blaring music. His form of “fun” just pissed me off.

   I just rolled my eyes and tried to ignore it but the screams were just too loud. So I got up and beat my fist on the wall and yelled,

   “Yuri! Would you shut the hell up for once? Other people have shit to do other than you!”

   For a moment I'd heard nothing but then he decided to turn his radio up all the way.

   “I swear, one day I'll shoot that mother fucker,” I assured myself.

   That's how it is day and night every day. He never shuts up. Of course I'd never actually shoot him because he is part of my “family”, but he annoys me. But I ignored him and looked at my amazing gun collection. I've got almost all the classics but nothing beats my all time favorite, the m60.

   I just love cleaning that monster and putting it back together again. I don't fire it too often because it pack a wallop on my shoulder but it's really fun nonetheless.

   I saw Raymond, Hyatt's pet, walk past my room into Yuri's and I assumed they were talking about the man Hyatt brought in earlier. I tried to listen in but I guess they were whispering because I couldn't hear them.

   If they are going on a mission for Hyatt, I hope I get to go too. I just love to show off to her at any chance I can get.

   I heard Yuri's door open and I quickly went out to question Raymond.

   “What did you guys talk about in there?” I asked.

   “Don't worry about it Alex.” He said with a cheery smile.

   “You'd better tell me if Hyatt is sending you somewhere Raymond.”

   “Oh? Why’s that?” He asked.

   “Because, I have to show her I'm capable of my job!” I screamed.

    Raymond raised an eyebrow.       “The General knows of your abilities well enough. I'm afraid however, that the one in charge of this mission is me.” He sneered.

   “And what? You don't want me along?” I whined

    “Don't whine. You're an assassin and an adult.” He sighed. “Look, this mission doesn't demand your abilities. But I do have another mission coming up where I need a sharpshooter. If you're interested, meet me in my room later k? Laters tuts.”

   “Fine, if you want to be an asshole I'll just see you later. And it better be worth my time.” I said in a snarky tone.

   Raymond turned around to give me a cocky smirk. He strutted towards me and pinned me against the wall. He leaned down and whispered into my ear,

   “You want to prove yourself to the General huh? Stop by my room then and shut the hell up. Our next mission doesn't have room for fuck ups and once more, our lives will be at stake. That worth your time?”

   I pushed him away from me and gave him my best eat shit look and said,

   “Maybe, but don't expect me to save your ass anytime in the future you fuck.”

    He smirked. “Keep acting all tough, but you're giving me bedroom eyes. And just chill, the real fun hasn't even started yet.”

   I looked back at him and gave him a cold smile,

   “No, it hasn't. And in the end, we'll see who is left standing.”

     He smirked. “Is that a threat? I'm sure the General wouldn't take too kindly to that,” he laughs. “Now, just behave. The true bloodshed will happen and you'll be needed above all others. But you won't be able to prove yourself if I put you in the hospital. So chill. Now.”

   His voice became cold and stern. The seriousness of his tone made the temperature drop a few degrees.

   I looked at him again and opened my door and said with my most venomous voice,

   “Thanks for the heads up, now get the fuck out of my room you piece of shit.”

     He gave a cold smile back but said nothing more, the storm in his eyes didn't hold anything good but I didn't give a shit. I wasn't gonna let this pet boss me around.

   I pushed him the rest of the way out of my room and slammed the door as hard as I could.

   I sighed and looked around my room for a gun to fuck with but couldn't find one to fill my mind and replace everything going through it. So I decided to lie on my bed and went to sleep. Maybe I'll have sweet dreams of killing some asshole who doesn't need named anymore.

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