Chapter 7- James

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   I finally got my new computer hooked up and booted and let me tell you, that thing must've ran the Kessel Run in 11 parsecs. I wasn't sure which type of computer it was other than the fact it said Dell. Which is surprising but I digress.

   I began to wonder what everyone else was doing but, no way  am I going out there again after last time. So I decided to just mess around with my new favorite got and get it to my liking.

   I'd only been messing around for like 20 minutes when I heard voices yelling from down the hall. It sounded like Raymond and Alex again. Those two fight more than old married people.

   I wanted to ignore them but I figured sooner or later that shit storm would be flung my way, so I shutdown my computer and listen out. I couldn't interpret their voices, but I just knew they had pissed each other off once again. I'd always wondered why they hated each other but I guess I'll never find out.

   Personally I don't much care for Raymond, but I don't mind Alex. I always figured if the shit went down she'd be the one to hide behind. Her or Yuri but he just scares me. Looks like a werewolf or something in mid transition. Or a body builder with too much facial hair.

   I heard Alex's door slam and waited at my door when I saw Raymond round the corner. I looked at him and could tell he was unhappy,

   “Everything ok on the Alex side of the building?” I asked.

     He scowled at me. “It's not her side of the building and watch it Sparky. Now is not the time to push my buttons. I have a job for you to do and I better not get any shit from you too. Got me?”

   “Uh, sure? What um… is it?” I stammered

   He walked like a vicious feline.   “There's a rat I want you to eliminate from the globe. After we kill him, wait two days and delete all info about him. All you need to know is in this file. And Sparky?”

   I looked at him wide eyed,   

   “Yes, Raymond?”

   “The General, Sharpshooter, and Interrogator, aren't the only ones you need to fear. I'm better as an ally than as a foe. Keep that in mind. Especially since after you eliminate our rat, you'll be deployed to


   “Well, maybe the only one I truly fear is Hyatt. She'll sic you all on me if I screw up,” I paused for a second and thought about what he said, “France? Why France?”

    Raymond laughed. “If that's all you're worried about then don't. If I tell Hyatt that you're irreplaceable, then you're irreplaceable. Your safety is ensured my computer geek. As for France, there are disturbing news. Others are trying mimic us. I need you to go and hack their system. Unfortunately, there is a perimeter from where you can only hack in. I need you within that perimeter and gather as many files as possible.”

   As I took in all he told me I just help but be overwhelmed. If I screw up in his eyes I'm a goner, same for Hyatt. Sometimes I hate being the only one with basically zero combat skills. I quit thinking and looked Raymond in the eyes and said,

   “Is it really such a bad thing for someone else to do what Hyatt is doing? It really seems to work here at least.”

    “Don't worry my twink. You won't be going alone. On this trip Alex will be going with you. She'll be your personal bodyguard. Your safety as well as her own mission is all on her. If anything happens to you, it'll be on her head.” He said with a grin.

   I looked at Raymond and his smug grin unnerved me but I somehow gathered enough courage to ask,

   “Is this mission to get rid of Alex? I heard you guys getting into it.”

   “I wish. However no, Hyatt needs the both of you to succeed without any casualties. Replacing you would be extremely difficult if not impossible. As for Alex, she's needed for more than just this mission.” He paused for a bit. “Don't tell her that however. The arrogant brat would get too cocky. Don't need that now.”

   I wasn't sure If I was ready for this kind of mission but in this world under Hyatt, there really isn't much I can say against it. I looked up at Raymond and said,

   “She just better keep me safe. I don't feel like getting killed because of her carelessness.”

     Raymond got all serious. “If anything happens to you James, Yuri will get whatever Hyatt leaves of Alex for him to play with. You must not die.”

   At that moment I realized just how important I must be. If they'd let Yuri get her, then he'd rip her limb from limb. Wide eyed I looked at Raymond,

   “Well, be sure to tell her that.” I forced a chuckle. “Fuck, this is going to be intense.”

   Raymond chuckled. “Oh, I almost forgot to tell you, once you're done in France, you'll return to our base but not to that closet you call your room. No. The floor on the second basement will be all yours. They should be done furnishing it with all new toys for you to play with.”

   No doubt they are trying to buy my loyalty, but hey, I'm totally not going to complain.

   “Gotta wipe the rat off the Earth and then get in and out of France first before I can think of that Raymond.”

   “If Alex fucks up and you're left without protection, hide. The whole team will come and get you. But you must stay alive Sparky.”

   “Well I've lived this long haven't I?” I force another chuckle. “I don't expect it to end now.”

   Raymond smiled and ruffled my hair. “That's the spirit twink.”

   I hated when he called me names like that. But with him, I just don't argue anymore.

   “I'll see you later after you guess kill the rat, I'll start looking over the file and start the program to make it like he never existed.”


   I let out a long sigh as he walked out of my room. I hate being confronted by any of the other assassins. I'm the only one who's never been in active combat situations and now I'll have my first one. It is with Alex who like I said, is a good wall to hide behind, but she is a hot head.

   This will no doubt be an interesting turn of events in my life. The only thing that could be bigger would be if I actually found out who my family was. But I know that'll probably never happen.

   I looked at the rat's file on my desk and figured that I have at least a day or two to start. It had been a while since I slept so I laid on my bed and dreamt of all the ways my mission to France could go wrong. Tough night and not so sweet dreams.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2016 ⏰

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