Chapter 1 - Sunday

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So hi,
Im Raven. Im a demon, not just a demon..
I'm the one who will seduce you, make you do things nobody wants to speak of.
And to keep you updated I've just been told I've to move again,
He isn't quite a kind creature.  The Devil has given me a new assignment.
This year I've done about 73 of them. They were all pretty easy.
Maks this guy do that, this woman needs to kill that person. Stuff like that, like I said,  pretty easy.
"This one will not be so easy" he had told me, and no, it wouldn't be at all.
I didn't know I would have to move, I've been living here for about 13 years, I'm not that young tho..
It took me 3 years before I was allowed to walk on earth, I think you get why I wanted to get out of hell.
Allthoug it's not what they say it is in the books, it's not much better either. 
I'm sixteen now, I don't know annyone here. Well unless the street cat who lives in my living room counts.
I have untill 5 to pack my stuff, I'll be moving to a part somewhere south. I've been living in the highlands for my life.

The fragile cat on the couch meows at me, I roll with my eyes 'go catch a fucking mouse yourself.' The grey spotted fur raises enraged. 'Oh get out you.' I yell at the ugly animal. My bag lays on the dusty floor. One last time I will walk in this house. I run upstairs, the modern staird don't  squeek, on my bare feet I can feel the carpet. It feels like I'm walking on clouds. I hate it. And still for some reason I don't want to leave this place. I never went to anny other place than this. this was my home. I only got outside when I had an appointment. 13 years, 13 × 365, that's 4745 days.. and I only had 73 so that's one in 65 days... he said i was gonna like this one. That would be for the verry first time, For some reason I don't trust this one. Moving, new pepole. And He said l would have to go to school... l sigh. I'm at the top of the house, l look out of the little  window of the attic. The sun is rising, l open the window. A cold wind blows into my face, l close my eyes and breath in deeply, i fill my lungs with the fresh air. The window is just big enough to climb trough, l lift my arms and pull myself up. The darkness still fills the early morning sky. I pull myself out of the window and walk up to the highest point of the roof. The horizon is filled with orange and red collors, it's like the earth is on fire. " it is just like the earth is on fire indeed" the voice that sounds like oceans deep and cold as stone, is just next to my ear. 'it's not time yet,' I say calm, He nodds slowly, paitient like always. "Come, show me more of this place you call yours little one" his hand grabs my shoulder and like a shadow He slips into the the empty attic. I stand up and give him a look like I want to murder him. "Don't do that when you're down there" He simply says. I sigh and walk out of the attic. I run down the stairs, 'this is all, enjoy yourself till It's time.' He raises an eyebrow, and turns his back at me. I sigh and look at the stairs, no, it's not worth it to go up. "Ehmm... Your cat is on fire" - this happens every time, 'it's not my cat dumbass' the ugly cat runs towards me, his back is burning. I growl soft, that bastard, the bucket of water is on the table in the kitchen. I tapp on the wall, 'here supid wallnut' I grab the bucket and poured it all over the ugly cat. The poorly furred cat has little spots of ash in his fur. He meows at me softly, like he is thanking me. Just a few minutes and this stupid cat wouldn't know it's over. "We're taking him with you know." 'Why would I take that stupid fuck with me?'  He mumbles something, but I can't hear it. 'Fine, I'll take him with me.' I mumble. He stands up "that's settled than, his name?" I look down at the brown fur with the grey parts. 'Roomy,' I mumble 'because he looks like a mushroom, so room for short, but that sounds stupid, so just put an y after it.' He nods approving. 'Are we going then?' He nods to the door "they're waiting outside with a car." I sigh, grab my bagg and carefully lift the pile of bones and furr. 'Good..' I breath slowly for a while, the nerves start to get to me. I push the door open and look outside.

There they were, four sixed level demons, and one of twelve. The biggest one jumps off of the back from the pickup truck 'so you're sixteen right sweetie?' He looks down to me. I give them all my cutest smile, 'I am' I look up to the guy with an expression of doom. He smiles, 'nice, Felix, baggs.' One of the guys jumps down, he has long red hair and has freckels all over him. I mumble 'fenix.. right' the big guy nodds. 'Here,' I push the cat in the arms of the guy 'hold room a sec.' The guy looks at me, ' one time missy, never again.' I grin 'uh-huh' I pull the car door open, the left one. 'Hey! You're not gonna drive missy.' The felix guy droppes the bag in the back of the pickup while he calls me. 'Hey big one, get in. You, ginger boy, get in or get lost.' I yell back at him. He comes  closer. The big guy turned to him, ' what the hell does she think she is doing?' He  does not look happy with him just talking to him. " She's driving" he growls at the guy, who imidatly runs to the other door and gets in. 'Finally' I mumble. 'Everyome grab ahold!' I yell while I close my door, ' See you.' I nodd at him. The felix guy jumps on and I push down the gas. ' Here we go' I sigh.

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