Chapter 4 - New Moon

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The week past by, today is Friday. I was welcome to a party from a girl from my class, she only did it because I was the new kid. We both knew she did. I told her I would think about it and that if I went, my dark friends would come to, only the tail-kid Ash had growled as an approval. School had ended and I walked through the hallway, my locker was empty, I didn't even had a bag with me. I walked through it for one reason. The guy, Chike, I had craved him all week, but I hadn't spoken to him the last two days, in the breaks I stayed silent and watched him from the corner where the group of pepole out of my class stood. I was silent as the grave, I didn't talk to them unless they spoke to me. I needed to find him, so I walked. Following only my instinct, blind to all running childeren, deaf to the happy screaming. At the end of this hallway were stairs, I looked up. There he was, he was talking to someone behind him, walking down the stairs with his books in his arms. I stopped, suddenly all the noice came to me, I squinted my eyes in pain, but I didn't move. I stared at him, one of his friends poked him and pointed at me, I couldn't hear all of what he said to him. 'Is.... girl..... go talk.... tonight?' I tilted my head like a waiting dog on a command. Chike smiled at me, he held up his hand, I clenched my fists, why couldn't I just move? Why didn't I walk to him? God I was pathetic... I suddenly felt my legs move, they turned around and ran, across the hallway. 'Raven?!' I heard Chike call my name, I didn't stop, I kept running. At the doors I stopped I threw them open and stormed outside, I searched the car panicky, if he would catch up with me everything would be ruiend! The car was gone.... 'fuck me...'I sat down on the sidewalk and held my face in my hands, I didn't know the way back... 'Rav-en,' panting Chike stopped at my side, 'why?' He didn't even try to make a whole sentence. I shrugged and buried my face deeper in my arms 'go away.' I mumbled to the ground. He sat down next to me 'nope,' he poked me in my shoulder 'do you want to tell me what's wrong?' in my head i was screaming, i didn't want to talk to him now, i ran away because i didn't know what to say to him anymore i couldn't just talk to him now. 'leave me alone...' i hissed. He grabbed both of my hands and pulled them away from my face, i tumbled over. 'What the hell?!' pissed of i looked up to him, he was still holding my wrists and only looked in my eyes, his ones switching from the one side to the other. I stopped talking and it got silent. After a while he smiled and i looked at him confused 'that's better,' he grinned 'now that you're relaxed, tell me what's up.' he sat down in front of me, he didn't let me go tho. I sighed, I didn't want to but I had to now. 'They left without me... and I don't know how to get home' I looked to the ground, 'and i've to be somewhere tonight, but i don't know where, and they will be gone at five.' He let my wrists go, and tilted my head up 'So, come home with me then? I'm sure you can miss one appointment right?' he grinned. I sighed, I didn't even know what appointment it was, so I was sure it wouldn't mind. 'I guess I can miss one..' I looked away biting my lip. 'but i don't have anny extra clothes.. And they'll be away all weekend' He smiled gently and stood up 'I'm sure we figure something out,' his hand was right in front of me, he was helding it out, not only for help, but also as an invite, an adventure.. I looked at it in silence. 'well,' he asked 'are you in?' I grabbed his hand firmly and pulled myself up 'yea, I am.' I smiled at the ground. An awfull, no horrifying feeling creeped into my bones . I looked around, He stood there, at the end of the parkinglot, I didn't know untill now, that the real devil isn't always a red monster with horns and a tail, he could be beautifull. No wonder, he used to be gods favorite angel, untill he fell, and broke down. Well, I knew now he was.

I didn't talk to him tho, i just pulled Chike with me, and we left. half running, half playing like little kids, we walked to his house. When we were there, the whole place sounded empty. 'We're home!' i looked at him, had he been planning to take me home today? 'we.. tssk' i mumbled, he only grinned. An full grown man came down the stairs, i jumped back. 'Oh, it's a girl,' he mumbled, 'Welcome Miss...?' Chike jumped forward 'her name is Raven dad.' i looked to the ground, i didn't know what to do. The man streched his arm, all his fingers pointed in my derection, his hand close to my face. I took it unsure and looked up to the man 'ehhm, nice to meet you Sir.' I mumbled. He nodded and let go of my hand, walking away. Chike looked at me 'since when are you so socialy awkward?' he grinned. I pushed him against the wall, my face close to his 'shut up.' my lips briefly touched his when I spoke. His eyes looked into mine as if they were searching for something. I let him go and turn around 'so.. What are we going to do?' I look around. The door in front of me has glas in it, his dad went that way. The wooden stairs look like they would squeak with every step you make on them. 'Let's go to my room?' I nod in response. We walk up, in one of the rooms sound gunshots, he tells me it's his little brother playing a game. I don't really pay that much attention to the story of how his brother got more into games the past time, I'm more focused on the movements the guy makes. How his hand slightly move while telling his story, how he pulles faces with the emotions he tries to cover up. We walk up another staircase. He opens a door, the room is decorated slightly. A desk, a closet and a king sized bed rule the room. He walks on and sits on the chair by his desk, it has wheels under it. I look at him, I don't move. He turns around in the chair 'you know you can come in right?' he laughs soft. 'huh?' I take a step forward and stop again. He sighs, stands up and walkes to me. I look at him confused, he takes my hands and leads me into the room. 'I don't bite you know.' he smiles. I grin 'but i do' his eyes sparkle for a second. 'I don't belive you.' 'you don't belive me?' my voice almost overflows of disbelive. 'Nope i don't.' He states, still holding my hands. I grin, my thoughts go wild, let's proove this guy wrong. I gently push him backwards, he looks down on me confused. I make him walk back untill he stands against the wall. 'Hmm,' i grin again. I stand on my toes and kiss him soft, he gives in to it immediately. I stop, and go stand normal again. He looks down on me a bit sad, then he kisses me again. Like planned. It startes to get more passionate and right before it would start to get interesting, I softly bite his lip and pull back. The sound he makes was adorable, a mix of confusion, disaproval and dissapointment with a hint of a turned on teenager. I let go 'I told you, I bite' soft giggeling I turn around. A soft growl makes me turn back around, he looks at me longing. I grin, even though I didn't plan this, i liked the outcome.

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