School Work/ Japanese Girl/ Farmers Heart/ Lonely Im So Lonely

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A 1913 survey of US chlidren working under difficult conditions in factories found that 412 out of 500 would rather work in sweatshops than the monotony, humiliation, and cruelty of school.

Japan keeps a train station running for just one girl so she can attend scho everyday. The train only makes 2 stops, one to reach the girls school and others to return.

When a farmer's wife suddenly died 21 years ago, he decided that he wanted to create a lasting tribute to her. So he planted thousands of oak saplings in a a 6 acre field, and left a heart shaped area in the middle, with the point facing towards her childhood home.

Most lonely people dont lack social skills. They just find themselves in lonely situations. However, loneliness can create a behavioural trap whereby lonely people focus on "I want this person to like me" in social situations, making themselves uninteresting to others in the process.

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