In 2012, gunmen in Pakistan shot schoolgirl Malala Yousfzai for promoting education for girls. She was treated in a hospital in the United Kingdom, where she returned safely to school in March 2013.
On May 20 2013, a huge tornado leveled homes and killed more than 20 people in and around Moore, Oklahoma.
From 4.6 billion years to 542 million years, the age was called Precambrian. 542 million→248 million was called Paleozoic. 248 million→ 65 million was called Mesozoic. 65 million→ present is called Cenozoic.
Marine animal- killer whale and dalls porpoise (35 mph). Land animal- cheetah (70 mph). Fish- sailfish (68 mph). Bird- peregrine falcon (200 mph). Insect- dragonfly (35 mph). Snake- black mamba (14 mph).
Facty Facts 2
De TodoFear not guys. Im back with the sequel of Facty Facts. I appreciate feedback and suggestions