Needs of Art/ Astrology/ Hagia Sofia/ January Holiday Highlights

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                          Sometimes art gives us pleasure and art can also make us think. Works of art sometimes get us the rethink about stuff we take for granted and they sometimes give us insights into the character of people. Artists express their ideas in their work.

                            Astrology is the study of the positions of celestial bodies- such as the sun, moon, planets, and stars- that looks to find connections between these bodies and things that happen on Earth but most scientists and people belive that there is no connection.

                            The Hagia Sofia is in Istanbul, Turkey and it was built  from 532 ad to 537. It is located on te site of an earlier church, it was built by the Byzantine Emperor Justinian I. Used in the past as a Christian Church and then an islamic mosque, the building is now a museum.

                           On January 1, New Years Day is celebrated. Until the year 1753, New Years Day was celebrated on March 25 every year. On January 20, Martin Luther KIng Jr. Day is celebrated. On January 31, The Chinese New Year is celebrated.

                         A/N: I need to ask you for a favour. Which month holiday highlights do you want me to cover next? i know there might be more celebrations but I am writing the most popular ones because if i write them all the chapter will be so long.

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