()Chapter one()

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Mae sat tucking her self in her bed. She just finished Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows, and was never going to be the same. ( i feel you gurl.) She let the tears fall. Was she being stupid? No of course not. Mae felt like nothing was cheery again, she thought closing the book and gently putting it down. 

Curling up, she opened her laptop. Her best friend Julie texted her on Facebook.

JUlies126: Hey, you ok?

MaeBae?: I just finished HP ;*(

JUlies126: ;*( im coming over

Mae shut her laptop and laid on her bed. Her hair was knotty from the snot and crying. Mae briefly thought of her mother-and in one way she was Harry Potter. Without the scar on her forehead. But scars on her for life. 

" Hey!" Julie said rushing up to her. Julie's hair was in a tight brown bun, and she had her black square glasses. It comforted Mae to see her.

" Why do you care so much?" Mae asked laughing lightly as Julie hugged her.

" I know what it feels like to be done with a series," she said grabbing her phone. 

Julie put on Twenty One Pilots, and Mae could not help but smile.

" Hey- Lol your STRESSED OUT!" Julie said nudging her with the bad pun.

Mae rolled her eyes and couldnt help but smile for Julie. Her phone rang, and silencing Tyler (sorry) she answered.

" Hello?"

" Hi," a thick British Accent said. It was definally male. 

" Is something wrong?"

" Um- Bye." the voice said. It hanged up.

"What was that?" Julie asked blasting 5 seconds Of Summer.

" I don't know- they hanged up."

Julie sang on the top her lungs.


" Sh!" Mae said lowering the speaker. 

" My mom will yell at me," Mae said.

" Your sixteen Mae, you should be old enough to listen to a boy band." Julie replied putting the song back on, but a little softer. Mae could not help but think about that phone call. What was the guy calling her for? Why was he British?

" Harry," Mae finally whispered.

She laughed lightly. No- no that makes no sense; she just finished the book- she probobly was just imagining that all-yes....

" You ok?" Julie said snapping her fingers at Mae's Face.

" I'm even better with you here," Mae said hugging her tightly.

She must of fell asleep- but she was awoken in the middle of the night with whispers, and one of them said " Harry Potter,"


So that is chapter one!

Hope you enjoy it.

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