Fact #7 - Animals

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Dean Ambrose's favorite cartoon character was always Bugs Bunny. Speaking of which, Dean believes the movie Space Jam, is full of hidden Illuminati secrets.

Dean said he can only swim if dressed as a merman.

Dean Ambrose tried to make realistic pinatas by force-feeding spiders to horses.

Dean Ambrose nursed from a hippopotamus between the ages of 13 and 26.

Dean punched a bullfrog for "having a sass-mouth".

Dean refers to the time he got swarmed by a thousand hornets as "just goofin' around with some silly Sallies".

Dean Ambrose's first kiss was with an earwig.

Dean has been a midwife for over 75 marmot births.

Dean spends an inordinate amount of time getting bugs drunk.

Dean's favorite animal is an argyle sock.

Dean's favorite color is cat, (it's really red (;...)

Dean refuses to ride any horse that isn't a devout Lutheran.

Dean believes that dinosaurs and fish never lived at the same time.

Dean owns a company that fits thimbles on porcupines and hedgehogs to prevent self-injuries.

Dean Ambrose calls snakes "the angriest hot dogs in the world"

Dean Ambrose owes a life debt to a skunk.

Dean believes pigs to be amphibians since they live in mud, "and that' pretty much water."

Dean calls walruses, "mustache seals".

Dean refers to 'mobile banking' as storing money and other valuables in the pouches of possums.

For the past five years, Dean's halloween costume was the bottom half of a pantomime horse, and a white t-shirt with "HORSE" in electrical tape. Dean used the baggy aspect of the costume to store candy he would steal from children.

Dean can't whistle, but is capable of popping his shoulder out of and back into his socket in a rough approximation of bird calls.

Dean has modeled his personal beliefs and philosophies after Tom Bombadil and seagulls.

Dean strongly, sometimes violently, believes that horses are grown up versions of dogs.

Dean once incubated a clutch of "wolf eggs" in his truck for six months. They were actually just potatoes. Dean still doesn't understand mashed potatoes.

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