Break away .

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    Later on that evening I think to myself does he really love me? If Drew really loved me he'd be loyal to me, I thought. I have to stop this. Coming to my senses, I call him. It rings three times and he picks up. "Hello" he said. "Drew we need to talk about something." "Okay, you want me to come over?", he replied. "Sure, you can." He hung up. I'm nervous because I know that if we break up I'm going to be devastated but, it's what's best for me.
     I see his truck pull in the driveway, while I'm still thinking of the perfect words to say. He walks towards me with his arms open, motioning to hug me. "This isn't the time for hugs." I say. "What you mean!?" "You weren't saying what you mean when you were layed up with 10 other girls, were you?", I respond. He pauses, thinking of something to say. "Yeah that's what I thought." I'm trying so hard not to let tears roll down my face. "I'm sorry baby" he said. "What the fuck am I going to do with a sorry?!"
"Um you're going to accept it."
"No the hell I'm not, see that's your problem now. You think I'm always suppose to just accept your apologies and forget how wrong you've done me." He gives me a sad look. I think to myself I know damn well he isn't looking sad. "What are you looking sad for? I'm the one that's letting you play me! But, that stops now." His mood changed. "So you're saying that this is the end?" "It's so hard to say goodbye but, I'm sorry. It's even harder to get hurt." He's crying and I'm wondering why. He's fine, he's probably going to one of his little bitches right now.
    I knew that I couldn't waste any more time on Drew so, I treat myself to get my nails and hair done to forget about him. I've already spent enough time crying over this man. I know that he loved me but, he couldn't be loyal to me even if he tried. I've always thought about being with someone who would treat me right but, where would I find that?
    I'm moving on, I say to myself. When I got home from getting my hair and nails done I got on the phone to call my best friend. Surprisingly she picked up. "Hey best friend !"
"Hey girl I finally broke up with Drew."
"Bitchhh ! You're lying?" She gasped, being surprised because I've let him hurt me so much. "Yup and I'm about to move on." "Already girl?" "Yeah, I can't be stuck on Drew!" "Yeah you're right."
    My best friend was always the type to party and go out so, I asked her if she wanted to go out tonight and she said yeah. We were going to the most turnt club there is in New Jersey. I hadn't been out of town in a long time so, I really thought that this would help me get away from things. Plus I'd have fun.
    We lived about 2 hours away from Jersey Shore so, we'd be there in no time. I was so excited and I was feeling myself because my hair was all done, makeup, nails, everything.
    My best friend, Tamika, meets me at my place at 4. She's driving because I hate driving. We're riding with the music blasted, our hair blowing, and our feet up. I was enjoying myself and we hadn't even got there yet.
    2 short hours later we pull up at the hotel. We go inside, unpack all of our things, and lay down for a little. *ring ring* I think to myself who could that be? It was Drew. I looked at my phone with a straight face and declined the call. Although, I didn't answer I decided to send him a text message. And it said: Nigga I left you. You had your many chances and it's over now. I'm out tryna find someone who's gonna do me right. Muah kisses! I smiled after pressing send. I felt good now that I left the man who always did me dirty. "Bestfriendddd !" screamed Tamika. "Yes girl !" "We about to be lit!" "Yup we sure are so, let's stop wasting time & get outta here." I really have my mind set on finding someone else after breaking away from Drew.

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