Erik Durm

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Erik and I walked into the huge hall where all of his teammates and their dates were currently having fun. As soon as we entered Marco and Pierre immediately dragged Erik to a group of Dortmund players, leaving me to occupy myself. Having never been to one of these gathering before I didn't really know anyone so I decided to go and sit at the bar.

"Hey, I'm Cathy, Mats' wife" a woman with long brown hair wearing a fitted silver dress said.

"Hi, I'm Stella. Erik's girlfriend"

"Oh so your the girl he never stops talking about, how come I've never seen you before?" Cathy asked. "Oh never mind, come dance with me and Mats."

After being dragged to the dance floor by Cathy we met Mats and began dancing. Never have I ever seen anyone dance as terribly as Mats, he puts dad dancing to shame. Ten minutes later I was approached by Erik as the music began to slow.

"May I have this dance m'lady?" He asked me holding out his hand. I obliged and spun around the dance floor in Erik's arms. Just as the song came to an end I felt a hand on my shoulder pulling me somewhere. I turned my head to see Mats pleading for a dance, causing me to laugh. I removed myself from Erik and was pulled into Mats arms as he then began to sway to the music.

"You look beautiful by the way'" Mats complimented me loudly over the music.

When I turned to look back at Erik I notices that he was walking away looking pretty annoyed. I wonder what's wrong with him? After what seemed 10 minutes but was really hours later everyone finally decided to leave and return home. I gave Cathy, Mats and Sila, Ilkey's girlfriend, a kiss on the cheek before swapping numbers and leaving the venue to look for Erik.

I found him sat in his Audi eating impatiently for me to get in so we could go home to our newly bought house.

"Tonight was fun." I stated.

No reply. How odd.

"Did you have fun?" I asked.

Still no reply. What's wrong with him?

"Erik, are you okay?"

Nothing. Sighing I decided not to bother him until we arrived home.
Ten minutes later we pulled up into the drive way and got out of the car. Erik stormed ahead, leaving our front door wide open for me to enter.

"Erik tell me what's going on!"

"What's going on? Seriously? What's going on? Why don't you tell me, or should I just ask Mats?"

"Mats? Erik what are you on about?" I asked.

"Don't you dare act innocent, you're just as bad as he is! All I could focus on all night was you and him practically swooning at each other feet! You didn't pay any attention to me what so ever!" Erik raged on with a look of anger and hurt on his eyes. I reached out to place my hand on his cheek, but instead was met with air as he stepped back.

"Erik please, Mats married. And we weren't swooning at each others feet." I tried to remain calm but could slowly feel my anger rising.

"Oh please, if that wasn't swooning and flirting then I don't know what it. It was about as obvious as a green cow." Erik replied.

"You are ridiculous you know that. Did you hear what I just said? Mats is married. M-a-r-r-i-e-d. Understand? To think that you'd even imagine me flirting with another man is crazy in itself, but with Mats! You have some serious issues."

"I have serious issues? I'm not the one who is in a committed relationship and still tried to flirt with other men whether they're married or not. Honestly, I don't know whether I can trust you or not anymore Stella."

Ouch, that was like a stab to the heart. I think Erik could tell by the hurt look on my face that he had upset me. How could one person be so jealous? Slowly I could feel exhaustion taking over me from the petty argument, so I made my way to the stairs.

"Where are you going?" Erik asked, with a hint of panic in his voice.

"Bed," I mumbled back quietly, still hurt by Erik's words.

I climbed up the stairs and walked into our shared bedroom, peeling off my dress and climbing into bed. I had no energy or motivation to remove my makeup. 5 minutes later I heard the bedroom door slowly open.

"Stella, are you awake?"

I don't reply, just moved to make more space for him to lay down as he come over to the bed.

"Baby, look I'm sorry. I know Mats is married and that you wouldn't cheat on me. I just get jealous sometimes because I love you so much and I don't want to lose you. Just the thought of you having more fun with someone else than with me upsets me. When Mats pulled you away from me I got so jealous. I thought 'why doesn't she want to spend time with me'. I'm really sorry Stella, I love you."
Erik sighed and laid down in the bed.

I turned around so that I was facing Erik and placed my head on his chest. His arms that instinctively found their way around me waist.

"I forgive you. I love you too." I replied, before kissing him and falling asleep.

This is for @StellaHarding I hope you like it

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2016 ⏰

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